New Neighbors

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Ah I hate that asshole. I hope that punch knocked some sense into him. He's such a perv. He thinks just because he's the hottest guy in school that he can have any girl he wants but they're all idiots. Girls just don't understand. Now when they wind up getting what they want from him he'll just leave. He's the school's Mr. Heartbreaker: Jacob Latimore.

Alix POV

What the hell is her problem? It's probably true. Dirty slut. I saw the guys carry him to the nurse.

"Hey sexy"??? said.

"Hey Khalil so we still on for tonight?" I bit my lip looking at up and down. What can I say Khalil is one fine nigga.

"Yea don't forget to wear sum sexy" he leaned in and kissed me then he left. Hey what Jacob doesn't know won't hurt him.

Jacob POV

Where am i? The last thing I remember was falling on the floor. Damn that girl can pack a punch. Shot that's what she get ugly ass. I was on the bed in the nurse's office. Had a bandage on the side of my lip. I called Alix but her phone went straight to voicemail. Oh well. I walked out to my 2014 red Mustang and drove home.

"Hey sweetie" my ma said and kissed my cheek. She noticed my face. She had that' who hurt my baby' look.

"What happened" she had her hand on her hip.

"Got in a fight at school" I lied. I couldn't tell her I got my ass beat especially by a girl.

"Ok well go get cleaned up our new neighbors are coming over" She went back in the kitchen. New neighbors? Hope they have a cute daughter. Haha u player player*winks and licks his lips*

I went up to my room and got in the shower.


There's always that one person that will always have your heart

And you never see it comin cause you blinded from the start

Oh that you're that one for me it's clear for everyone to see ooh babyyyy oh  you will always be my boo

I've always had a dream of me singing since I was little but nobody knows not even my parents. They want me to focus on my basketball that's it but that not what I won't for the rest of my life.

I got dressed in my American flag sweater with red skinny jeans and my Timbs with my earring on one ear with my nerd glasses. Ya boy sexy. I put on some cologne and decided to check my Instagram until the folks came. I posted a pic of me today got 538 likes and a lotta comments. Alix commented too.

@Alix _miss baddie: Bae!!

@Jacob Latimore___:That's right luv baby. Hey where u at?

@Alix_miss baddie: At Bahja's house studying

@Jacob Latimore__: Ight luv u babe

@Alix_miss baddie: Luv u too


"See u guys later" I told Zendaya. She only stays across the street. I walked in the house and saw Lamar watching the game on the couch.

"How was your day?" he asked.

"It was ight how was work?" I got a Gatorade from the fridge and walked over to the tv.

"Lil Wayne and Drake we're arguing over what song to feature on they album lol" He chuckled. I giggled.

"So where's my mom?" I asked looking round.

"Went to the store she told me to tell u to get dressed we going over to the new neighbors next door" He told me. Mhmm wonder who? Maybe they have a cute son. What am I saying he wouldn't want me. I went upstairs and put on my Spurs jersey with my white jeans with my all black converses. I put on my white headband and let my wavy hair hang. I put on a lil lip gloss grabbed my phone and texted Zendaya.

~Text Convo~

Miss Baller: Hey Z wyd?

Zswagger: Doing homework hey u wanna go to the staking rink with me and Cymph?

Miss Baller: OMG yes I've always wanted to go to Cascade

Zswagger: K this Saturday alright

Miss Baller: K bye boo

Zswagger: Bye

~End of convo~

"KIARA COME ON LETS GO!" My ma yelled. She was wearing a long sleeved striped blouse with skinny jeans and some nude pumps with her hair flowing with red lipstick.

"Go ma" I teased her.

"Well u know" she flipped her hair. Lamar kissed her on the cheek.

"U look beautiful baby" he gave her a peck. We left in Lamar's car 2015 blue and black Challenger. My mom rang the doorbell and a woman opened the door. She looked around her early 30s pretty, medium height,long brown hair with blonde tips. She had on the similar thing as my ma but in red and black pumps.

"Hi I'm Latisha Taylor but u can call me Tish" the woman said.

"HI I'm Ciara and this my boyfriend Lamar and my daughter Kiara. We all shook her hand.

"Come in my husband's at work and my son's upstairs"we walked in her home. It looked like an ordinary home but on the outside it looks like a millionaire's mansion. Beautiful.

"So Kiara how do u like Crenshaw?" she asked me.

"It's cool" I shrugged.

"You know my son's a grade ahead of you lemme get him JACOB!!" she yelled. Jacob. That name sounds familiar no it can't be. The boy came downstairs. OH HELL NAW.

What do you think will happen? Do like that Alix is a bitch for cheating on Jacob?

A/N: Using Alix as the girlfriend creates drama. Duh I meant people think they go together anyway but there are rumors he goes with sum girl named Danielle( if you don't know who she is look at his video You Come First and Send Me a Picture) Idk. But I wish he was single I wanna meet him so bad.

P.S. Shout out to trackstar21_ & Kia118 for wanting to be in my book. Y'all are my besties.




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