Did somebody say rotten?!

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Farrah? Please tell me who are my parents. Where do I come from? I think there's someone here that can tell himself, our servants found a man in a ship wreck from the direction of the Isle, and we locked him up in our dungeon, cause for all we knew he could be evil. You were washed up on the beach with a magical barrier covering you. Since you were a baby and you washed ashore we brought you in as our own. We can take you down there to meet the person you seek, as for the villains, congratulations you three we'll go through with it and send word straight away.

Oh my gosh you hear that we won! Are you coming Farrah? Coming where? I asked grabbing Ben's hand. It's ok, do you want me to come with you? He asked petting my hair squeezing my hand. I nodded my head. Ok kiddo come on Freya. So that's what we did. We went down to the cells and into the dark crisp wet dungeon. Why is it so cold? Not that I'm complaining.

Hello? Is someone there? Hello somebody? Is that him? He sounds so scared. Is someone there? Go to him. Hello he called out again? Yes I'm here I'm coming. I said tugging on my siblings hands to get them to follow me. I stepped into the shadows. Please if someone is there would you come into the light where I can see you? Please.

I was pushed into the light. My purple hair bounced in the light. You're alive the man whispered. Please don't be scared, please come closer I promise I want hurt you. Who are you? You don't know me, but we were banished here together from your mother who now rules over the Isle of the Lost. Maleficent. That's correct. I'm good, your mother didn't like that I was a good king, IDK how I married her or had children with her if she didn't like that I wasn't evil. You have a twin sister, her name is Mal. She looks just like you.

What is your name? My name is king Sirius Black I was the king of where I met your mother. Did you keep your real first name or did the Auradon people give you a different name? That would depend on if Farrah is my real name or not. It is. Only my brother and my adoptive parents call me by real name, everyone else just calls me Jade. As they may very well might be since its your middle name.

Who is that behind you my dear? Ben, Freya. This is my brother Ben he's the son of the King and Queen, Bell and Adam. From Beauty and the Beast. This is Freya I created her out of magic as a clone of myself, except she is nothing like me. Daddy I'm treated like a villain here just because I'm different. It's ok sweetheart. He said reaching his hand threw the bars to touch my hair. Your mother would be proud of you. You are mischievous like her and your sister, and full of energy and have the potential to be evil like Mal and your mother, and yet be good even if you aren't a princess. I will love you weather you are good or bad, because you're my daughter.

Farrah it's time to go now. Goodbye daddy. Ben do you think it's possible for me to come down and see him whenever I can? Only if a royal goes with you. But I am a royal. Exactly. So the answer is yes. Oh thank you Ben, you're the best. Come on now. Wait what is that? Farrah go back to our room I'll be there in a moment. Ben is your name right? Yes Sir. Oh pish posh my boy, call me Sirius. Yes Sir. What is it? That thing on her wrist what is it? Does it have magic?

Not really? She doesn't trust anyone, after all the mean things people say about her because she's different. So what does it do? My father asked raising an eyebrow. Ok I'm gonna show you what my father looks like..... This (Main characters father) (As if you don't already know, if you don't then you've been living under a rock.) I gave it to her to trust me, she doesn't like not obeying people or disappointing anyone she's afraid to, I told her the bracelet was magic, but the only magic it posses is to trust me, I would never use magic on her like that. I promise. I told her to only listen to me unless they're being nice to her, for two reasons. Primarily so that people couldn't tell her to do things she didn't want to do, and so that if other's did gain her trust that they wouldn't take advantage of her, and I'd never do that either, she's my BFF.

Good, you're a very good boy Ben. So let's hear about this first proclamation. The three of us have had dreams of children that we date from the Isle where the 3 of you are from and so I wanted to take 4 of the children who I feel like need our help the most here, like the EQ's daughter. Yes Evie, who else? Cruel Ella devil's son. Carlos. Nice boy. Jafar's son. Jay, very handsome lad. And the 4th is Mal. Good boy. How did you know all of these children, you haven't been in contact with the Isle for almost 16 years? I have magic too son, I'm a wizard. They might not have power there but I have mine.

You're very right about your choices. I'd give my blessing for my daughters to date whoever they wanted. Even though they don't date. Now I believe you have something you need to be doing? He asked raising an eyebrow again. Yes Mr. Sirius. Benjamin? Yes Sir. Keep an eye on my daughter, take good care of her. Go now son, goodbye. Nice meeting you Mr. Black. You too boy, you too.

At the Isle, things were going just as bad as usual as Mal was finishing doing touch ups on her "long live evil" graffiti of her mother in troll snot green and ravishing purple.

at the end of the song, Mal took the Lollipop out of the baby's hand and rose it up like a trophy everyone scattered when the mistress of all evil herself showed up. Hi mom. Mal replied to her mother seeing the minions. Stealing candy, I'm so disappointed. Mal looked upset, but quickly smirked when she handed her mother her prize. That's my nasty little girl she said to Mal. Hand this back to the dreadful thing. Mom?! Mal complained. It's the deets Mal that make the difference between bad and truly evil. Maleficent started giving Mal the same speech she usually gave her daughter. About being as evil as herself. Yeah I know that and I'll do better I'll get there I promise. That's my girl.

Oh and there's news, the four of you have been chosen to go to a new school.... In Auradon!

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