I can't wait to leave

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As I stir awake, it is the next day, I wake up and look around. I have absolutely no idea where I am. Ben? Mal? Jay? Freya? Carlos? Evie? Somebody? Anybody? I decide to get up and change into my coronation dress (outfit 14) IDK why, but even when Ben gave me the bracelet and caused all this, Audrey and FGM are really still the ones to blame. So I still trust him, so I'm gonna keep it on, not only that, but it's really pretty and IDK how to even get it off even if I wanted too.

I opened the door and went out into the hall. Why good morning princess. Good morning I say waving back over to some of the servants that just greeted me. I hope you're ready for your coronation. Oh you bet! You can only imagine how worried your brother, your sister Mal, and your friends and family have all been, Ben was such a mess of tears when he knew it was all his fault.

Oh no! Where is he? I have to go see him! Try his room, if he's not there, go try the gardens. And if nothing else? He should be in either of those places. Ok thank you kindly, I'll be on my way then, thank you. Our wish is but to serve you, your highness. Ben? Ben! Ben?! Where are you?! I went to our room, and knocked on the door. Who is it? Geez why am I knocking on my own door?

I went in. Ben? He stopped what he was doing and turned towards me. Tears in his eyes, he ran towards me and picked me up spinning me around giving me a great big hug. And when he sat me down again, I wiped away his tears. I'm so sorry Farrah, this is all my fault. No it's not, it's Audrey's and FGM's. Yeah but none of this would've happened if I never gave you the bracelet.

Give me your hand. Why? Please. My bracelet shimmered. He hugged me again. Why? Why what? Why do you still trust me? I put you in danger?! You did no such thing. It's Audrey it's her fault, and FGM's they both have been trying to get rid of me ever since I came to Auradon. I love you Ben and I trust you. T: I just can't wait to get out of here and leave this place behind, and today's the day.

Suddenly there was a knock at the door. Ben, Ben it's Lily and her brothers. Come in Potter's. Lily (character 3 outfit 1) came in ready to go, with her brothers in tow, and ran towards me hugging me when she saw that I was ok. Farrah, oh my gosh, you're ok. Ben have you seen your sister, she's no longer in the infirmary room and.... Oh my Farrah, our little girl you're alright. My mom said hugging me, and my dad ruffled my hair.

Knock, knock. Almost the whole kingdom is in here. Farrah look. Ben pointed over. Daddy! My little girl, you're so beautiful, and alright. He hugged me tightly. I thought I lost you. I won't lose you again. T: Yes you will you'll be staying here I'm going back to the Isle with the others. I love you my little princess. I love you too daddy. Did I hear correctly? Farrah's awake? Freya?! (character 2 outfit 8)  We ran to each other and hugged each other Freya had tears in her eyes.

Oh Farrah I'm so sorry, this is all my fault, I should've never told you to listen to me. It's ok Freya it's not yours or Ben's fault, and I think we can all agree whose fault it actually is. Well hopefully not mine. Everyone backed up a little seeing Jane. What happened Jane, why were you siding with Audrey? I'm supposed to, its the order of my mother. She made me do it. And actually I can't be here right now, I need to go my mother will be waiting for me, and Belle and Adam it's time to go too.

Right, thank you Jane. Well actually Potter's and Mr. Black would you all like to join us and the kids will meet us there? We'd all like nothing more. Thank you. Well what do you say guys, we have our dates to go pick up. I'd say right this way, my little sister. Ben we're the same age. I giggled. He held out his arm and I linked it with his. Come on Freya join me on the other side. She giggled and we walked out and down the hall.

We went to go get everybody. Knock, knock. Freya and I arrived to the boy's dorm while Ben went to go grab the girls. And turns out Evie got to go with Doug anyways, finally got sometime together to ask each other to go with each other. And everyone was all pretty and handsome. Who is it? It's Freya, and someone else is here too, she giggled.

They opened the door, I hid around the corner. Carlos saw Freya and hugged her tight. And Dude jumped up to try to get to her. And she bent down to pick him up. He licked his face. I thought you said there were two of you here? There are? I used my magic to pop inside the room, and wrapped my arms around Jay from behind. It was funny watching him jump.

Farrah, you're ok! He said picking me up and spinning me around then he brought me real close and hugged me tightly. See I we knew you guys weren't evil. You all really care about me. Everyone is wrong about you guys, about all of you. About you too. No, I'm still going back with you. Farrah? No, I want to come. Then I'm coming too. No Freya, the Isle isn't a place for you. You and Evie get along so well, and you all love it here.

But don't worry, we'll cross paths again when we take over the world, but until then, we should enjoy what time we have all together. You said it. We all made our way down to the carriages, where they would be taking us to the church looking part of the kingdom for myself and Ben to be crowned co king and co queen. Now that soon we'd marry our loved ones and they'd rule beside us. Well, Ben and Freya now, they will rule together, I and the rest of us won't be here to help him rule.

Mal, Ben, Evie and Doug all came to meet us. The three of them who hadn't seen me up and moving yet came to hug me. Farrah, you're ok! Mal was in tears. Mal you're crying, I said wiping her tears away. I was so scared and worried about you. Oh Mal, look at me I'm ok. I said hugging her. Now come on everybody, the girls said taking the guys hands. Let's go get in and get to where we need to be. As we climbed in to get on our way to get there. Snow white, our parents, and FGM and Jane and the whole rest of the kingdom were all waiting for us. The VK parents on the Isle are all gathered around, watching it all happen. As Snow White tells it how it is. And at the end she states.... I'm snow white, bringing you up to the second coverage of who's the fairest of them all.

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