Lots of explaining to do

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Ok, we're all together now, now please explain what happened here. Fine, this is all my fault I started this mess, and I'm sorry. Explain what happened sweetie. Ok mom. He took a deep breath, calming down as everyone crowded around me. Yeah because it doesn't make sense for her to do something like that. Yes it does, that's why I gave it to her in the first place, it was supposed to do more good then bad, and I'd blame it on Freya, but I'm the one that give her the bracelet. Freya warned me and her both about the power of the bracelet.

I'll have to tell the story from the beginning. No one has ever cared about her, other than myself and my parents, before she met her father or the Potter's or her sister and her friends, and after what happened at the princess dance lessons disaster, I set up the performance thing, but then we were playing around and she froze my feet to the ground and when she released me I chased her, she disappeared, and when she came back I had that special bracelet for her, and I'll be honest I was originally going to give it to her to make her do whatever I wanted and wanted to take avenge of her, but then after putting it on her and she did what I wanted I decided that I shouldn't do that because she doesn't trust anyone and was afraid to disobey, even if she'll deny it.

I told her to only trust me unless people were nice to her, and that the only "magic" that would happen was that she'd always trust me. Every time her bracelet shimmered she trusted you, and did whatever you told her to do, but she wasn't really being controlled she did it all on her own, but Freya kept warning us not to listen to the bracelet and when you told her to do something and she didn't do it, or the bracelet didn't shimmer then she didn't trust you and that wasn't good, or if she did trust you when you didn't want her to do what you asked we got worried.

My plan was to take avenge of her from the beginning, but I didn't want others taking avenge of her, and I know that Audrey doesn't like her so I didn't want something like what did happen to her to happen to her. And now it has and now it's all my fault. Freya wanted to prove to her that the bracelet wasn't any good, but it did do some good, because of the bracelet FGM couldn't take away her powers, or send her away back to the Isle she can't have any spells cast on her because of the gold. She's safe from like everything. Expect apparently obeying orders and once Freya told her to listen to the first thing someone said, Audrey told her to go jump off a building, except Audrey didn't know her bracelet did that.

That's also why not the entire kingdom is under a giant love spell right now because she trusts me and she listened to me. But now she also trusts Mal and her friends. And now I'm scared, not because of that, but because she did what Audrey told her to do and we were lucky her father and his friends were all here, or she might be seriously hurt or worse, and it's all my fault and now I don't think she'll probably ever trust me ever again. I'm so, so sorry. And that just means that she had probably no problem doing it anyways, she wanted to cast a hate spell on me since I was only holding her back to cast the giant love spell in the first place.

After the way she's been treated of course she doesn't trust anyone and now I just made it worse. Ben couldn't stop crying. Aw Ben it's no one's fault. His mom said rubbing his back. Your heart was in the right place, if only so many people didn't hate her, she wouldn't feel like she'd need to take matters into her own hands. If Audrey never said anything I wouldn't had put it past her to do it herself. She just doesn't feel loved, and I still need to teach her, to prove her wrong.

I've tried to teach her sister and her friends, but how can I do that, when I can't even teach my sister. She'll learn Ben. How?! How is she going to learn?! When is she going to learn?! I tell her I love her she'll tell me that I have to because I'm her brother. Freya tells her she's loves her, she won't believe her, you guys tell her you love her she sorta just blows you off, and wonders if it's true. Her real father tells her he loves her, she just hopes that it's true, if Mal told her she loved she might not believe her either because villains don't teach their kids how to love. And now that she's with Jay, if he told he loved her, she probably wouldn't even know what to think, she'd probably think it's a lie, the only person she'll probably ever believe probably is never going to love her anyways, because the kids want their parents love and approval.

When do you think she's gonna get better? When is she going to wake up? IDK baby, maybe we should leave and let her sleep. She's going to be fine, just probably exhausted right now. You know what hurts the most? That no matter what we tell her she doesn't believe us, but those that don't like her like FGM and Chad and Audrey, she believes everything that they say. Even when she wants to believe its not true. I wish she believed us instead. I know you do Benjamin, but for now she's been through so much and you have a coronation to work on.

How can I think of OUR coronation at a time like this when my sister isn't awake to help me. I need her, she's my better half. Well what about Freya? No offense to Freya, but she's not even real! She's a clone! It's not the same. I need my sister. Ben? I can't I can't even I can't stay in here. Ben come back. Mal called after him. Come on guys, everyone left. Everyone except Jay. He grabbed my hand in mine. As he brushed my hair back. IDK if what Ben said is true, that you probably wouldn't believe me, but I might not know what love is, but I do know that I love you.

There I said it, whether you believe me or not and whether you're Ben's sister or Mal's or a VK or an AK, but Farrah I love you. Even if I understand that we could never be together and that you could never love me back, but I had to hear myself say it out loud at least once and I know it won't be the last time I say either. He leaned down and kissed my cheek, leaving the room closing the door behind him.

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