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Orlando, Florida
November 21st – 10:56pm

The last twenty days had been hell for Dream.

After that one particular night in question, Dream getting hard over a picture of his best friend to be exact. George had been relentless.

The small whispers in his headphones, the non-stop flirting, and the constant sexually orientated jokes and innuendoes weren't helping Dream's case at all. Every tiny little thing got to him now, hell he even got hard over a chip commercial a couple of days ago, and it was all George's fault.

He was seriously wearing him out, his self-control was getting increasingly more thin every passing day. But there was no way his pride would let him forgive himself if he just gave up.

"Dream.." George sang seductively into the microphone. It was relatively late at night, and George's stream had ended an hour ago. But the pair didn't want to leave just yet, and so they stayed on call like they usually did every night. Honestly, Dream was just setting himself up for failure at this point. "Have I ever told you how hot and damn sexy your voice sounds all the time?"

Dream's eyes widened immediately. He had been hearing the flirting all night, but he could ignore it when the others were around. Right now though? That was all he could hear.

Chat had been going crazy over the way they interacted, but although Dream didn't care about that kind of stuff, George did. But tonight, he sounded like a whole new person. It was almost alarming if Dream didn't know the true reasons and motives behind it.

Dream was quiet for a moment before he spoke, thinking about what he was going to say before he did it. He had been reacting to George's antics all week, maybe if he doesn't respond the way he wants him to, he'll just leave him alone, and he'll be boner free for the rest of November.

Dream snorted, "I hope you know you're just embarrassing yourself, George."

"Am I? With what Dream?" George asked innocently.

Dream brows furrowed, before a sly grin took over his lips. George was being way too obvious with it. "You just keep proving to me over and over again that you're a little slut." He retorted.

He heard George's breath hitch, immediately causing his smirk to widen. He hadn't done much over the past few weeks to George. It didn't even dawn across him. He'd been too focused on George himself and the way he was currently making him feel, to think that he could do something in return. But now he did.

"But even if you do whore yourself out for me, it's not going to affect me in any way." He continued, lying straight through his teeth. In reality George got to him a lot, but he just wanted to get under his skin.

George hated how cocky and smug Dream sounded. Had he not been putting in enough effort to make Dream break? He thought he had been doing too much, the comments and flirts were a little ridiculous at times. Dream always made him flustered, just this once he wanted to return the favor.

He was going to have to up his ante.

An innocent pout pulled at George's lips, "Isn't that what I do, Dream? Don't my words have some kind of effect on you?" He asked.

Dream boastfully grinned, "Nope, not at all, pretty boy."

George smirked, oh how much he loved making Dream eat his words."Don't they get your mind racing? Thinking about things you perhaps shouldn't be thinking about?" He suggested.

Dream's face dropped, almost horrified and terrified at the sudden change of tone George had. "N-no." He stuttered out, suddenly feeling way too nervous. He hated how his voice almost cracked, the slight tremble in his voice.

A Week In November // dreamnotfoundWhere stories live. Discover now