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Orlando, Florida
November 25th – 5:41pm

Dream had a plan. If Sapnap was the only thing stopping Dream from losing all self-control, then why not abuse that power and fill the rest of November with activities they can do with Sapnap. It made sense in his head, show George around Florida, and make him forget about the bet altogether.

The only problem was Dream had been choosing the wrong places to take them to.

The first day Dream had a good idea in hindsight. Taking the pair sight seeing around the city, and ending the day with a reservation at one of his all time favorite restaurants. Everything was going well too, until they got to the restaurant and George sat next to him. Every chance he got George managed to snake his hand onto Dream's thigh, and Dream ended the night with a boner.

The second day Dream stupidly suggested going to the beach. It was absolutely perfect beach weather, sunny yet not too hot, and if they were out in a much more public area, there was no way George could make a move. But Dream shouldn't've worried about George making a move. To summarize, Dream spent the day staring at George in his swimming trunks and trying to conceal his bright red cheeks. And that day ended with, well you guessed it. A boner.

The third day, Dream was stumped. Everything he thought of doing he would somehow overthink it and find a way George could definitely exploit and try to turn him on. He had been hiding in his room all day, if he couldn't think of something to do that wouldn't get him hard then they wouldn't do anything at all.

It wasn't until early afternoon when Sapnap popped his head in the door that Dream really started to panic.

"Knock knock." Sapnap quipped excitedly as he stepped inside Dream's room. Dream was at his desk, working on anything that he had available to try to make himself look busy.

Dream scoffed, "Saying 'knock, knock,' and then immediately walking in defeats the whole purpose dude." He told him.

Sapnap snorted,"Does it look like I care?" He answered back. Dream chuckled. "Whatever, we're going to the movies later, you have to come."

Dream froze, "T-the movies?" Oh no. That was a bad idea. George sitting within close proximity in a dark room. That could be disastrous, if the last two days have taught Dream anything it was that George made everything sexual.

"T-t-t-the movies?!" Sapnap mimicked, snorting mockingly. "Yes, the movies. I want to see the new one that just came out with Ryan Reynolds. That is one hot dude."

"I can not go to the movies right now." Dream deadpanned.

Sapnap frowned, "Why not?"

"Uh.. I have a tonne of work." He told him. Truth be told he was ahead of everything he had been working on, but in the moment lying and telling Sapnap that he had work was the first thing to pop up.

But Sapnap knew him. He knew that Dream was a workaholic, and even if he did have a tonne of work it wasn't anything he couldn't handle if he missed half a day's worth of work.

Sapnap scoffed, "Bullshit." He spat, crossing his arms across his chest irritatedly. "George is only here for like six more days, we've got to make the most of it before he leaves us again."


"Stop 'duding' me! I'm not taking no for an answer. We're leaving at six-thirty, be ready or I'll drag you out of this room by myself." He told him firmly, before abruptly leaving his room and shutting it tight.

Dream stared at his closed door. Sapnap was stubborn, there was no way he was going to get out of it tonight. He almost dreaded spending time with his friends. He'd have to promise himself tonight to keep himself strong, and ignore any and all remarks George made.

A Week In November // dreamnotfoundWhere stories live. Discover now