My Lover-Chapter 6

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Stephanie POV

I was lying down on my bed listening to Chris Brown's 2012 and staring up at the ceiling. School was out and graduation was tomorrow. So much has gone on since I got to Detroit. I never expected to experience so much. But I'm glad I did.

I saw Makayla enter my room wave in my face. I took out my earphones and looked at her.

"What's up?" I asked.

"Some people are here for you." Makayla said. I got up and followed her out my room. I heard people talking and laughing as we got closer to the living room. I walked in and a huge smile appeared on my face. My mom smiled back and so did my dad.

"So you just gonna stand there or you gonna come give us a hug?" My dad asked. I laughed and I hugged both of them.

"I missed you guys." I said.                    

"Missed you too baby. You ready to graduate?" Mom asked.

"Yasss!! I'm ready for UCLA but UCLA aint ready for me." I said with a smirk.

"Oh boy. Anyways, your mother and I are staying at the Marriot. We just got here so we gonna go and unpack." Dad said.

"Okay. I'll see you guys later then." I said giving them a hug. I went back upstairs. I looked at my phone and dialed Andrew's number.

"What's up ma?"

"I'm bored baby. Can I come over?"

"You know the answer to that."

"Okay. Imma leave now." I said happily.

"Aiight babe. I'm at my mom's house though." He said before I hung up. I quickly grabbed my hoodie and grabbed Makayla's car keys. Since she couldn't drive (well we told her she can't) I have the car basically. I really need to get my own though. I sent Kayla a message telling her where I would be and drove off. I turned on the radio and Fetty Wapp's Trap Queen was playing. I listened and sung to it until I pulled up to the house. I parked the car and got out. I walked up to the door and rang the door bell. Soon the door unlocked and Andrews's mom Claudia opened the door with a bright smile.

"Stephanie!! How are you babygirl?" She asked while pulling me into a hug.

"I'm fine."

"Come in dear." She said moving aside and leaving space for me to walk in.

"Stephanie!!" I heard a small voice say. I looked around and saw Ashley running up to me.

"Heyyy cutie pie!!" I said giving her a hug.

"Andrew is upstairs and you should stay for dinner." Claudia said.

"Okay I will." I said heading up the stairs and headed towards his old bedroom. I slowly opened the door and saw him sleeping on his bed. I smiled and quietly walked towards him. I softly got onto the bed and laid my head on his arm. I kissed his lips softly and looked at him then he pulled me back and kissed me.

"How you doing baby?" He asked opening his eyes.

"I'm fine. You ready for tomorrow?"

"Mmhmm. Ready to get out of high school. You ready?"

"Yes. I just wanna get to California. I can't wait." I said looking at him.

"I know babygirl. Did you try talking to Makayla about moving?" He asked. I sighed.

"Yeah I tried but she said she doesn't want to be a burden on us." I said.

"Man, she needs to chill. Javon already on his way to California." I thought about it and I came up with an idea but it hurts Makayla and gets Andrew and I in trouble.

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