My Lover-Chapter 2

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Stepahnie POV

I was sitting in my room doing my homework. Graduation was coming up real soon and I wanted to get into UCLA. That was my dream school. I was excited to go.I was going into nursing and they had a good program. I was typing away on my laptop when I was geting a video chat request. I didnt know who the request was from but I decided to answer it. I accepted it and when it opened I saw my mom and dad.

"Mom!! Dad!!" I screamed. I was so happy to see them.

"Aww look at my babygirl growing up to be such a beautiful girl." My mom said with a huge smile.

"How are you sweetie?" My dad asked.

"Im alright. How is your vacation?" I asked them.

"It's going good. We should be back by your graduation." Mom said.

"Yay!! I miss you guys." I said truthfully. Although I loved living in Detroit with Makayla and her family, I missed my home in New York with my parents.

"Aw baby we miss you too. But we have some news for you."


"You're going to have a baby brother or sister." My mom said.

"OMG really!!! Thats so awesome!!!"

"We knew you would be excited. So Steph, how's the boyfriend?" My dad asked.

"Andrew? Oh he's fine."

"Andrew? What happened to Daniel?" Mom asked.

"We broke up. I met a guy named Andrew and honestly, he is better than Daniel. You guys would LOVE him." I said.

"Okay sweetie. As long as he loves you and aint no dead beat nigga, he good." My dad said. I laughed and shook my head. I heard a knock on my door and saw Makayla.

"Kayla come and say hi to mom and dad." I said to her. She sighed and laid on my bed.

"Is that Kayla?" My mom asked.

"Yeah but she's not feeling well. So I'll talk to you later."

"Okay. We will talk to you later." My mom said. I closed the chat and headed over to my bed. Makayla hasnt been well lately. She was starting to show and she looked more stressed out.

"You okay?" I asked her.

"I want Javon." She said lowly. "I need him."


"I just need him...why did he have to leave me like that!! Who the hell does something like that!! What have I done to deserve this!! I'm fucking pregnant, the stress is too much and my boobs hurt!! Im so alone right now!! No one knows where Javon is and he is the only person I want at this point!!" She screamed. I sighed even though I wanted to yell at her. She was going through ALOT.

"Kayla, you are stressing the baby out. We will find Javon. Dont worry okay? I promise we will find him." I said holding her. I wish I could help her but I didnt know how too.

Dreanne POV

Yaayy!!! I finally get to speak. Hey people Im Dreanne. Okay first off lemme just tell you guys about me. Im eighteen, Im brown skin with long black hair that reaches my back. Im very bubbly and a grateful person. Im also Dre's twin. Yes that nigga is my twin. Identical too but Im a lil darker than him. Enough about me.

Leah, Stephanie and I were getting ready for this party that was tonight with the guys. To say I was excited was an understatement. I was more than excited because this guy named Jaden asked me to go with him. I had a major crush on him and the day he asked me to go to the party with him? I had to say yes.

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