Chapter 1: Hailee

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(Y/N)'s POV
The day started with the soft brushing of the morning sun against my skin and the sweet melody of Yoga Music Maestro. I woke up with a bright smile ready to start a new day, greeting my dog as I did so...
... is what you'd have expected me to say and do. But, much to your dismay (mine included), I don't. My days always have started out with nothing but the sun shining through my window with me waking up to the sound of the alarm on my phone, and this morning was no different. I woke up with a startled demeanor and got out of bed to get ready.

After I had done so, I looked at my phone to check the time — 8:30 AM! I overslept! I got dressed in the clothes I had picked out prior and made my way down to the kitchen for some breakfast in a rush, opening the fridge, hoping I had somehow saved some turkey to make myself a sandwich on the go, but again to my dismay, I couldn't find it. I opened the drawer next the fridge, and sure enough, I found a bunch of granola bars stacked to the brim. I rushed over to the kitchen counter to make myself a cup of coffee. I had been pouring in some milk into my thermos when my dog, Apex, ran into the kitchen with his bowl in his mouth, "Morning, buddy! Sleep alright?" I said crouching down to fill his bowl as he scooted the bowl closer.

I patted his furry little head as he happily chomped down his breakfast. "Such pure creatures," I thought to myself as I watched him gobble up the last of his meal to go over to his water bowl. I smile and randomly look at the clock on the wall — 9:00 AM! "Oh, no! I'm late!" I said as I stuffed two granola bars into my pocket and grabbed my thermos, "What am I saying, I had always been late." I pat Apex, "See ya later, buddy! Love you." I said closing the door behind me.

I got into my car and put my coffee down, desperately trying to find my keys. "Not today. Not today of all days!" I muttered to myself, searching my pockets. This wasn't the situation one would want to have, obviously. I struggled and struggled and finally found my keys, hurriedly turning on the ignition and speeding off to the studio.

I drew out one of the granola bars out my pocket and began munching on it. "Am I that hungry this morning?" I think to myself. As I dispose of the wrapper, I hear my phone ringing on the seat next to me. Most opportune to me, I stopped at a red light to answer the call.
Me: Mornin' Chloe.
Chloe: How'd you know it was me?
Me: As far as I'm concerned, only one person has my number apart from my family.
Chloe: Oh, yeah. I forgot. The jaded life I see.
Me: God, you're so annoying!
Chloe: Which is exactly why you're my best friend and why you love me.
Me: You're unbelievable.
Chloe: Anyway, what's with the noise in the background?
Me: I'm on the road.
Chloe: Oh, right! You've got a table read today.
Me: Ding, ding, ding, we have a winner!
Chloe: That's cool though. Who's your co-star?
Me: That's the thing, the script didn't mention a name. I'm walking in blind.
Chloe: A mistake, I suspect.
Me: Probably.
Chloe: Yeah, but you're bound to meet her, for sure.
Me: I guess, but I still wanna be informed.
Chloe: Still cool. I'm heading to the set this afternoon. We're wrapping up today.
Me: That has to be sad for you in a way. I mean, I've never gone a day without hearing you rant about each episode you film. I can see it in the articles already, 'Chlöe Grace Moretz in tears following the wrap of drama series.'
Chloe: Don't make me feel worse.
Me: Which is why I'm your best friend and you love me!
Chloe: Shut up.
Me: Alright, Chloe. I have to go, meet up for lunch later?
Chloe: Sounds like a plan. See ya!
I hang up and place the phone back on the passenger seat and continue to drive off. I look at the time — 9:30 AM! Without carefully assessing my surroundings, I start going at 60mph. I didn't realize how fast I had been driving until I saw a police car drive up next to me. A hand emerged, waving at me to pull over, and so I did. "No, no, NO!" I say as I slam my hand on the wheel. I waited until a man in a dark blue uniform approached me, "Okay, another speeding ticket."

I turn my head, recognizing the voice. "Hey, Adonis." He lifted his head up, "Why, the one and only (Y/N) (Y/L/N)!" he said in an amused tone. But at this moment, I'll take a teasing officer who I know any day. "Well, you're getting another ticket. What's the rush this time?" he asks me, examining my car. "Table read." I say to him. He smiles, looks down and starts writing me a ticket. All of a sudden, he stops, "Ya know, I could let you off with a warning if you agree to meet for dinner tonight." he says smiling slyly. "Ugh, this guy never gives up, does he?" I think to myself. Only God knows the approximate number of times he's asked me out. But of course, I always decline, just as I was about to again. "I'll take the ticket, thanks. I'm running late, my guy."

He looks at me, looks back at his writing pad to finish writing the ticket. "I guess nobody's good enough for one of the world's biggest celebrities." he says handing me the ticket. "Enjoy your day, Adonis." I say driving off, careful that I drive within the limit.

I look at the time again — 10:00 AM on the dot. Luckily, I arrived at the studio in the nick of time. "Where have you been? The read is about to start." said the director, Steven, wiping the sweat off his forehead. "Well, I'm here now, aren't I?" I look at Steven again. He's sweating more than he does, I'm guessing my late start gave him an almost heart attack. But all doesn't matter now. I'm here and I was relieved. "Okay, it doesn't matter, want some coffee?" he asked me, which I immediately said yes to given the fact that I hadn't touched my coffee, which was probably cold anyway.

I took the cup from Steven's hand and took a sip, "By the way, who's my co-star?" I asked. Steven looked at me with a look of confusion, "Didn't you read the script?" he asked with his hands rested on his waist. "I did, but it doesn't say who she is. Take a look —" I tell him, handing him the script. "Well, I'll be damned. You don't say! Well, she's —" he stops, then looks. I squint my eyes in confusion, "You having a stroke, man?" I ask, waving my hand across his face. "Oh sorry, (Y/N). She's coming over right now."

And with that, I turned around to see who my co-star would be. And at that moment my heart dropped, "Oh my God, hi! I'm Hailee! It's nice to meet you."

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