Chapter 8: Thinking in Solitude

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(Y/N)'s POV
     I exited the restaurant, with Kiara following close behind. I just walked out in anger and being hurt. Hailee had a boyfriend, and here I was thinking we might've had something special. I thought that we were feeling something mutual. It hurt me to see them kiss. But at the same time, it was her right. Who was I to tell her otherwise. This is why I promised myself never to feel anything ever again.

All of a sudden, I remember that Kiara had something that she had wanted to ask me. I turn my head around, taking my hair out of my face.

     "What's up?" I ask her, trying my hardest to keep calm and not cry. I haven't cried in a while, so inside, I was definitely panicking. Kiara then closed the door behind her and took a deep breath, "Oh, yeah. Wouldn't want to waste your time." she said as she fixed her hair.

    I lift my eyebrows up in the slightest. How long do I have to wait until she finally decides to speak up? I just wanted to go home. "Well, I know that Dakota told you that I had a crush on you. If I'm being honest, it's true." she finally says, trying to hide her face, which she didn't really have to do since it was pretty dim in the evening. "It's okay, we're cool. Don't worry about it, Kiara." I said rubbing her shoulders, hoping that was the end of the conversation.
     "Well, I was wondering if you'd like to go out." she said, trying hard to maintain her calmness. "I mean, we're not exactly what one would call friends yet, Kiara. I'm sure you know that." I say to her, trying to be as tactful yet candid. "Oh, yeah yeah, totally." she says. "But you know, we can just take things slow, start with being friends first. In any case, I don't see you in that way right now. I'm sorry. I don't mean to hurt you or offend you in any way." I say to her, hoping she didn't take anything personal.

    "Yeah, I totally get it. I mean, we haven't exactly spoken to one another." she agrees with me. I breath a bit slower, relieved that we reached a mutual agreement. "Yeah, exactly. But you seem like a nice girl, I definitely love your energy. We should hang out more though." I say to her. And I was definitely being genuine about it. "I'd like that." she said, coming in for a hug. I hug her back but with one arm.

     "I'll see you around. Enjoy the rest of you dinner." I tell her as she made her way back to the restaurant. "Thanks, enjoy your night." she said, smiling. I make my way to the car and start the engine and drive off home.

      I open the door, when Apex runs up to me. Damn, how I love huskies. He runs up to me and I pick him up, lightly lifting him up in the air. I put him down, taking a box out of the pantry and feeding him an early dinner.

    All of a sudden, my phone starts to ring, so I go over to see the caller ID. It's Hailee. All of a sudden a smile appears on my face, but an equivalent numbness overwhelms me. I let her go through to voicemail then entire three times she called me. After that, I just decided to put my phone on silent.

    I went into my room, took out a few clothes from my closet and opened up the shower. It's nothing a rejuvenating shower can't fix, I tell myself. I turn on the shower and just try my best to relax.

     Damn, I wish Hailee was here with me.

Hailee's POV
      I watched with my undivided attention as (Y/N) and Kiara talked. Damn, they spent a considerable amount of time. I couldn't help but think of something was going between the both of them. But that didn't matter.

     All I wanted to know was why (Y/N) decided to leave all of a sudden. Okay, well maybe I did care if they had something going on. I looked at my food and all of a sudden, I didn't feel like eating that much. In fact, all I wanted to do was go home and get in bed. "Hey, you guys. Umm... imma just go. I'm not really feeling the dinner mood anymore." I said, placing my fork down on the table and said goodbye to Taylor and Chlöe and Dakota.

     I made my way out, and bumped into Kiara coming back in. "Oh, I'm so sorry." said Kiara as she lightly help my arm. "It's completely fine. Don't worry about it." I said. She nodded and started making her way back to the table when my curiosity got the best of me, "Hey, hold up?" I called after her. Kiara stopped and turned around. "What's up?" she asked me.

    "I'm just being curious here, you don't have to tell if you're not comfortable. What were you and (Y/N) talking about?" I asked her, hoping she was confident enough to answer, but wasn't at all. So I went ahead and asked, "Are you guys together?" I finally ask, unable to contain my curiosity any longer. I mean, that's the whole reason why I wanted to stop her in the first place. "What?! No, not at all." she said, much to my relief.

    "Oh, okay. I'm so sorry if I weirded you out." I apologize, to which she accepts. "Are you leaving?" she then asks, noticing I'd been carrying my small bag with me. "Oh, yeah. I'm just not feeling so up for the night. I'll see you around though." I say to her. She smiles, waves me goodbye and leaves to go back to Dakota.

    I get into my car and start the engine. I drive home and open the door to my house. I close the door behind me and turn on the lights. "Martini! Where you at bebe?" I call out for my dog, Martini. All of a sudden, I hear the small pitter patter of paws and nimble claws as Martini ran to me with a small yelp. "Hiya, baby! How was your day?" I say, in my baby voice. I crouch down to pick Martini up.

     Martini jumps into my arms excited, giving me kisses all over. I giggle. How sweet is my little puppy?! Just then, I get a notification on my phone telling me to back up my iPhone software, which includes my pictures. In this case, it told me to backup my pictures. So I look through what needs to be backed up.

    Suddenly, pictures of today emerged. All with me and (Y/N). Our bloopers, our fun lunches and snacks even that one picture of (Y/N) in the dreaded wig and sunglasses. I smile for a second, and that smile quickly faded as I recalled the incident at the restaurant not so long ago.

    I take my phone out and look up (Y/N)'s number. I find it and call her. I'm on the line anxious to check to she's okay. But no response. It goes straight to voicemail. I try again, and the same thing occurs. I try again a third time, and it's no different so I decide to leave her a voicemail. I then proceed to feed Martini and get comfortable on the couch, turn in Netflix and cuddle with Martini.

    As much as I love cuddling with Martini, tonight I just wanted to cuddle with someone else. And I'm sure you know who it is. I hear my phone vibrate and I abruptly pick it up to see who it is. It's Cameron. I didn't wanna talk to him. I let him through to voicemail and let it ring after.

    I just need (Y/N) here.



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