Ateez wooyoung/ asthma

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Wooyoung pov

Ever since I was a kid I have been living with asthma, although it did get better it is still really bad. I still can't do things with my friends all the time because of it and being an idol while having this medical condition does not make it any easier.

My company know about my condition and still let me be and idol here which I am very grateful for. They also make sure I go to all of my doctors appointments as well. Same for my members they are always very understanding when I need to take a break and calm down.


Lately my asthma has been getting worse. Last night I was awake every hour gasping for air, reaching for my inhaler desperately.
Eventually I got tired of waking up all of the time that I just decided to head downstairs to watch tv and read through the schedule of today hoping it's nothing much.
I was wrong.

Turns out we have rehearsals for kingdom and these rehearsals are much more intense since we have different scenes and backgrounds which means we have to quickly move in order to get there in time for the music and camera.

I was too deep in thought to realise that Yeosang had come downstairs.
"Wooyoung, you okay?..." "w-what oh yeah I'm alright" I lied. "You sure, you seem a bit... out of it" "No I'm okay" "if you say so".

I knew I had to get better at my acting skills if I didn't want to bring the group down. Not wanting them to worry anymore I headed to my room once again to take a shower and get dressed.

I grabbed some fresh clothes and a towel and headed to the bathroom. I was in the middle of rinsing my hair when all the steam of the hot water was starting to heat up the bathroom, I was starting to lose my breath, my breathing getting deeper and Harder trying to find more oxygen. I quickly grabbed the towel and wrapped it round my waist and hurriedly went to find my inhaler.

Once I found it I sat on my bed and sprayed it, taking in as much as I could. Once I was finally dressed I decided to head back down as all the others were up now so we could talk about our schedule.Not forgetting to hide my inhaler.

"Hey wooyoung " jongho said "hey jongho"
I took a seat in between minghi and yunho.
"What is our schedule today " I asked even though I already knew we had rehearsal for kingdom but hoping it changed.

"Oh well we have rehearsal for kingdom until 7pm" oh I forgot it was one of the long ones.
This is not gonna be good. "Are you okay wooyoung" "yeah it's just my asthma is kinda bad today" I can't believe I just told them.
"You can stay here if you want, we can tell the manager that you aren't well" "what no I'm fine" I panicked.

"We'll just tell us if your feeling worse okay?"


Seonghwa pov

I pulled hongjoong aside from the group.
"Is everything okay seonghwa?" Hongjoong asked. "I'm worried about wooyoung" "same, he is not well at all" " let's tell the rest of the members and keep an eye on him" I explained hoping he agrees. "Okay I'll go tell them"

Me and hongjoong were extremely worried because we have seen wooyoung go through something similar. Last year wooyoung was very I'll but he tried to hide it, we knew he was lying but we didn't want to force him because that causes him to ignore us and it's hard for us to help him.

I looked over at wooyoung, he was sitting down with his back against the wall and his bend buried in his knees. I knew If I didn't keep a close enough eye on him he would work himself so hard that he would pass out.

Wooyoung pov

It was getting harder to keep my breathing under control. Even the simplest things like standing up would make my chest go tight and would cause a whole coughing fit. It was beginning to hurt to breath. I don't know how much longer I could go on.

"Hey guys I have an announcement" the manager spoke " as one of the kingdom challenges they have decided to make a few of the groups chose some dancers to make a new dance to wolf by exo". This does not look good for me. "I have decide to put wooyoung" oh no
" san, seonghwa, Yeosang and yunho" I could feel all the members eyes on me.

Okay so could all of the chosen members make their way down the hall to meet the other members of the other groups.

Since we were the first ones there we waited for the others to arrive. Then the door suddenly opened "hello we are ateez" "hey, we are straykids" once we introduced ourselves we waited for the other groups.

Once we all got to know each other we got to work on the dance. It was going great until my breath started to shorten and soon I collapsed, I grabbed my inhaler quickly spraying it and inhaling as much as I could.

All of the people in the room gathered around me, asking many questions.
"Are you okay"
"What happened"

"I'm okay, don't worry" I got up and went to my position once again.

The rehearsals were a big struggle but it all came down to this. The performance.
All I had to do was make it through this one and then I could get a break.

We all got into position and the music then started. It got to the middle of the song and I was struggling to breath, my chest started to hurt and I was getting weak.

Finally, what felt like forever, the music ended and the cameras shut of, I fell to the ground, the rest of my group came running to me.
"Inhaler" was the only thing I could get out of my mouth. "Somebody get his inhaler" Yeosang shouted.

No ones pov

The manager came running with his inhaler and passed it to him. After a few minutes and some sprays his breathing had settled.

The other groups had gone back to their waiting rooms as they didn't want wooyoung to feel embarrassed but they did leave a not in their waiting room saying how great they were.

San soon picked wooyoung up and took him backstage.
"I told you, you should have told them you were sick" "I'm sorry" "it's okay, just next time don't overwork yourself"


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