Chapter 9: What Fruly Frightens Witchers

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Previously on the witcher story...

Mayor: You have until sunset to kill them. Do not leave anyone behind otherwise I'll let the town to finish it.

Back to where Y/N tries to convince the elves to leave.

Y/N: 'Aren't you guys even afraid that they kill you?'

Emryn: 'You may be right, we may be killed by the town. But we'll die trying, knowing that we did our best. What about you Dark wolf? Are you not a fighter, who defends others from the creatures beyond our strengths? What say you witcher?'

After trying to convinced them to leave I took a moment of silent to dwell on those thoughts... Screw it I had enough of this.

Y/N: 'No.' Grips my knife but didnt unsheathe it and approach them as I glare at them. 'As a favor to a friend, you're leaving. You're leaving right now even if I have to drag you all by myself....'

Everything faded to dark...

3rd POV

We then see the sunset is coming and the guards grabbing their weapons along with the mob with whatever they can find. You can hear them shouting curse about the elves as they march to the house where they live. Next thing the guards tries to break in by swinging the ax at the wooden door. Just as the door is destroyed the guards went in first but saw no one but a stranger who's wearing a dark blue cloak.

Guard: Where are the elves!

Stranger: They did what you did. Force themselft to a mans ass.

Guard: Huh!?

Basement under the house.

We see the elves hiding in the basement along with Emryn and Belanor.

Belanor: Upset. I can't believe he just dragged us to the basement!

Male elf: Technically speaking we all agreed to go to the basement. He just dragged us just to be sure if we did try to escape.

Belanor: Still doesn't make anything better!

Back with the stranger and the guards.

Angrily the guards unsheathe their swords and points towards the stranger.

Guard: You think you can save them by hiding them? You'll never get any gold after what you did.

Guard2: Ha! And here I thought all you witchers ever cared for is gold.

Witcher: Silent.....Shut up...

Guard: What was that!?

Witcher: what? Got ale in your ears? I said shut up you scrap of shxt! You all are nothing but a bunch of animals who's worst than those monsters.

Guard2: You're gonna pay for that!

Witcher: No, its you soldiers who's gonna pay.

Guard2: Confused. What?

Witcher: You thought killing these innocence will make you feel safer but all you do is getting blood on your hands and without knowing that they're good people. I know because the witchers before me died by those who were afraid of us yet we still fight monster beyond human.

He remove his hood revealing that its Y/N.

Y/N: My name is Y/N, The Dark Wolf. And I'm a witcher, a witcher that will always stand up for those who can't stand up for their-

Guard: OK he talks too much, kill him now!

The guards began to charge at Y/N but he dodges a couple of their strike and then he uses his magic to push all the guards back against the wall knocking them out as they fell to the ground. This gave Y/N enough time to get out of the house but saw a mob. At first he froze for a moment remembering the last mob faced the witchers but this time use the same magic again to push them back giving him a chance to make a run to draw the mob away from the elves as they all chase him.

reincarnation to become a wolf//Witcher MaleReaderWhere stories live. Discover now