Chapter 19

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Lauren’s POV

“Wake up sleepy head” I call, my suitcase thumping down the stairs behind me as I make my way into the living room. Louis groans, peeking over the couch, holding his head. I smirk, raising an eyebrow. “How’s the head?” I tease, dropping off my suitcase by the door before making my way into the kitchen. Louis just lets out another groan and chuckle slightly.

“Here” I say, returning with a glass of water. He gratefully takes it, sitting up just enough to chug it down as I sit on the edge of the couch next to Louis’ stomach. When the glass is empty, he sets it on the table, before slumping back down with his eyes closed. “You’ve got to wake up” I chuckle, reaching out and brushing my fingers through his hair. I don’t know what possessed me to do it, but I wanted to feel if it was as soft as it had seemed last night. Louis lets out a contented moan and his hand reaches up to catch mine when I start pulling my hand back. I look away from his hair and see his bright blue eyes looking up at me, a smile on his face. “C’mon, get up, get changed, we’ve got a plane to catch” I say with a grin, slipping my hand out from his and standing up again. I glance back at him as I walk into the kitchen to see him still sprawled out on the bed, unmoving. “If you hurry, I’ll make breakfast” I call and that finally seems to get him moving.

Fifteen minutes later, he comes into the kitchen, his hair wet from showering, and I set a plate of pancakes in front of him.  “You excited?” he asks. I grin in response, turning on my heel and grabbing a glass and filling it with water and some Tylenol from the cabinet and setting it in front of him also.

“You excited to sleep somewhere besides a couch?” I joke as he pops the pills. He quickly nods his head and I grin, leaning against the counter as he eats. He finally glances up in confusion after a few minutes.

“Why aren’t you eating?” he asks.  I grin and give a small shrug before plucking a pancake off the stack, rolling it up, and dipping it in the syrup and eating it like a burrito.

“Not usually hungry in the mornings” I reply, turning on my heels and jumping up to sit on the counter next to the sink a little ways from him.

“Hey darling” my dad says, walking into the house. He was an early riser and liked to take care of the animals before everyone was awake.

“Hi daddy” I say with a grin. He glances over at Louis and frowns slightly. He had been nicer to Louis since we’d grown closer, but I don’t think he particularly cared for him.

“Gotcha something” he says, reaching into his pocket and walking over to me. I watch him curiously. He’d never been the big emotional, gift giving type. So when he pulls out a small leather bracelet, I’m touched. “Just somethin to remember home” he says gruffly as I clasp it around my wrist and admire the charm.

“I love it dad,” I say, choking up and throwing my arms around him in a hug. He awkwardly pats me on the back before stepping back with a cough and turning on Louis.

“You better take care of her,” he warns and Louis nods swiftly. My dad gives him one last hard glare before heading upstairs.  Ten minutes later, as Louis finishes his plate, Hunter trots down the stairs carrying his bag with him. While we were flying to London, he’d be flying back to LA.

“What? No breakfast for me?” he jokes, seeing Louis’ empty plate.

“You should’ve woken up earlier” I joke, hopping off the counter.

“Yea, yea, yea just get in the car” he says. Louis slides out of his seat, following Hunter and I to the door as we throw our bags in the back of the car he’d rented for his time at home. When we get to the airport, I duck my head, walking in between the two boys as we swiftly make our way through security. The good part about being home on vacation with no specific days back was that no one knew when we were coming or going. Of course, a few people there recognized the two of them, but there were no crowds of fans screaming their names. There probably would be at our layover in New York since fans would have caught wind of us leaving, but unless we left the terminal, we didn’t really have to worry about being mobbed. This is what honestly scared me the most about going to London with Louis. He was so famous that anywhere he went he’d be recognized. If I was there with him… It was just the opposite of what I wanted. To disappear. I could only hope that getting this chance to travel would be worth it. Hunter’s flight left a little bit earlier than ours so we hung out at his gate until his flight arrived.

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