Chapter 52

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Lauren's POV

I ended up not seeing Logan again before I left. I think he was embarrassed and was avoiding me. Whenever anyone would text him and Drew to see if they wanted to hang out, Logan would beg off saying he had work to do before his classes started up in a couple days. Drew joined though. He had decided to spend a couple more days than he’d planned, staying at Logan’s. He and Blake really hit it off, jokingly competing to see who could do the most pull-ups from a tree branch or the most sit ups. Drew won most of them since it had been a while since Blake had been training at Marine standards. Foot races were out of the question for obvious reasons, but that didn’t stop Blake from challenging Drew to them. Drew would just laugh it off, promising him a footrace when he’d finished his therapy sessions.

“What’s going on with you and Logan?” Blake asks the last night we’re there once he’d gotten back from hanging out with Drew.

“What do you mean?” I ask, not looking over from the TV.

“I mean, he’s just moping around his apartment, and Drew said that he was always interested in doing things with the group until he found out you’d be there. Did you two get in a fight?”

“Not exactly.”

“Well then, what is it?” he asks again.

“He kissed me.”

“What?” he shouts in surprise. “You kissed?”

“No,” I correct. “He kissed me.”

“Please tell me you kissed him back and didn’t leave the poor guy feeling like a complete ass,” he groans. “Jesus Tweety,” he moans when I don’t respond.

“Sorry,” I say flatly. If Logan had kissed me because he was interested in me, then I suppose Louis had had a right to be jealous. Maybe he’d seen something at the wedding that I’d missed. If he’d actually felt jealous instead of just acting. I hadn’t thought he was a good actor, but if it had all been for publicity like he’d said, then he was much better than I’d thought.

“-…crush on you since at least the weddi—Are you listening to me?”


“Dammit Tweety, I love you but you have to snap out of this,” he snaps.

“Out of what?”

“This!” he says, gesturing towards me. “You’ve been acting dead since you got home. I haven’t seen you smile once.”


“Don’t you dare say sorry again,” he hisses. “You know, I used to wish you would apologize more because you’re so damn stubborn. But this is ridiculous. I get it, you broke up with your boyfriend, you’re sad, but you have no right to act this way. If anyone here does, it’s me. I got my fucking leg blown off.” I duck my head, seeing the anger radiate off of him. I don’t know what to say. Deep down I know he’s right, but there’s nothing I can do about it. The only thing I feel is the chilling numbness and right now, that’s all I want to. It was easier than admitting to the feeling of betrayal and pain.

“I deleted the account,” I blurt out. I’d half expected him to already know, but the look of surprise on his face tells me otherwise.

“What?” he asks, the shock written all over his face. “When?”

“A couple nights ago. After I got back from Logan’s. I just… I couldn’t make a video. I don’t think I ever will again. Or if I even want to. So what’s the point of keeping it?” The look he gives me is filled with so much disappointment.

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