Chapter 43

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Lauren's POV

The next two weeks were the worst. With finals approaching, every teacher was trying to stuff in the most they could. The only way I was able to get through was to remind myself that it was my last time.  I was graduating.  The day after finals were over, Logan and I were flying home for Madison’s wedding. I was skipping the graduation ceremony in order to go to the wedding. Not that I really cared. Sitting around for hours in order to get my diploma didn’t really appeal to me. I’d just have it mailed to me. The night finals were over, I got back to my house to find Stephanie and Peyton waiting there with a bottle of champagne to celebrate. It was a blast. I put on a bathrobe and a cowboy hat I had as my cap and gown and they presented me with a ‘diploma’ of my own. It was so much better than any graduation ceremony I might have had here.
“You ready to go?” I ask Logan the morning we were scheduled to leave.


“Got your suit?” I ask.





He freezes. He disappears into his room, emerging a couple seconds later with the shoes in hand, shooting me a sheepish expression as he packs them into his suitcase. “I do now,” he says with a grin. I chuckle, giving a shake of my head as I drag my own suitcase towards the door.

When we land at the airport, I hurry out the gate, my eyes scanning the crow until I see the person I’m looking for.

“Dad!” I yell, abandoning my bag next to Logan as I race ahead, jumping onto him.

“Hey sweet pea” he says with a grin, hugging me back. “I’ve got a surprise for you” He releases me and opens the back door.

“Hunter!” I shout, hugging the puppy that jumps out. I’m aware of some of the people in the crowd turn in excitement and I have to hold back a laugh when they notice that it’s just a dog, not my brother. My dog licks my face, almost knocking me over. He pauses, his tail wagging furiously as he looks behind me, and I follow his gaze over to Logan who’s now lugging not only his bag, but mine also. “Thanks” I say with a sheepish grin as he drops my bag by my side.

“You must be Logan,” my dad says gruffly.

“Nice to meet you” Logan says with an easy smile, shaking my dad’s proffered hand. I load Hunter back into the car, taking the back seat next to him, while my dad and Logan stick the luggage in the car.

“So how’s it feel to be done with school?” my dad asks as he gets into the drivers seat with Logan taking shotgun.

“It’s great. I’m finally free” I exclaim dramatically causing them both to laugh.

“It’s going to be weird without you at school. Now who’s going to nag me to study?” Logan jokes.

“Guess you’ll just have to do it on your own” I say with a laugh.

“So Logan, tell me about yourself. What are you studying?” my dad asks inquisitively.

“I’m a music major, not quite as impressive as Tweety, but…” he says trailing off with a laugh.

“He’s the one I did the duets with” I interrupt. My dad gives a nod of approval at this.

“Speaking of, how’d your last video go?” Logan asks, craning around to see me.

“It went well. Louis really liked it,” I say with a smile.

“What did you do again?” my dad asks.

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