Not 'beautiful' or 'perfect'

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Tommorrow is Valentine's Day. A very special day in highschool students' year. At least it's special to some. This year it is special to Ranboo too, the hopeless romantic. This year he shoved his fear away and decided, he will ask Tubbo out and go on a date with him. He isn't quite sure how, but this year he will do it. He won't run away like last year will he?

There is a whole day for him to ask Tubbo out. They have a few classes then they can go home. He have been zoning out for his past two classes know, thinking about hows and whens.
It's lunch break. He is sitting at their table with Tommy and Tubbo, completely zoned out again.

"-so then i punched him in the face and walked off the hallway."-said Tommy snapping Ranboo out with it.
"Good for you bossman."
"He deserved it."-followed by complete silence, as a distraction they went on their phones.
Few minutes later Ranboo's phone dinged. A message from:

Big man Tommy

'U ok boob man? You've been zoned out all day
What's bothering u?'

'Nothing much I'm just like this'

'Not all the time
You know you can tell me anything'

'Nothing's bothering me'

'Ok Just there's this thing that I'm kinda upset about'

'What is it'

'I'm just a coward and I hate it'

'I know it isn't just that'

'Ok but if you really want to know it then we can talk after school'

"Are you guys talking about me behind my back again?"
"No-"-the boys said in sync.
Tubbo shrugged it off.

After the bell classes went painfully slow for Ranboo. Still thinking about Tubbo. He didn't find the perfect time yet, but he needs to before Valentine's Day. He gotta be fast.
Then finally the bell rang, indicating the end of the school day. At the gates there was Tommy waiting for Ranboo to appear.

"Man you're slow."
"Sorry I care about my stuff's tidyness unlike you with your soggy notebook."
"Hey uh let's head somewhere more private."
"Sure"-as they started to walk out of school.

"So what is bothering you?"
"That was really straight forward but yea so-
As I've said before I'm a coward."
"And what does it have to do with anything?"
"You know how last year I didn't have a date on Valentine's Day?"
"Yeah I remember."
"That's because I was a big coward."
"That's bothering you? Hah-
You're not a coward. You just have a slow pace with things."
That's not exactly what I'm really upset about."
"What is it then?"
"Just give me a minute or two to collect my thoughts."

"S-so um...
First of all I have a thing for guys not girls."
"I'm glad you could share this with me. I'm proud of you dude."
"Second of all Uh-
That dude is Tubbo."
"Huh wait- we're thinking about the same Tubbo? Short goat boy?
Man you have a taste"
"What the...Nevermind
Last year I wanted to ask him out, but I chickened out. That's what I'm upset about"
"Why'd you chicken out?"
"Because he's unpredictable"
"Not with everything"-said Tommy almost unhearable
"You gotta do it this year. I can help too."
"That won't end really well."
"I'm not that bad you know that too." Tommy punched Ranboo slightly then they said their goodbyes and headed home.

"Hey mom I'm home." as his mom greeted him with a hug, smiling.
"Sweetie how was school today?" his mom guided him towards the dining table.
"Alright I guess." his mom nodding and putting a plate in front of her son.
"I'm not hungry right now thanks mom"
"You have to eat if you don't want to die from starvation"
"I'll eat later with mama"
"I guess you can, but you have to later." Ranboo was looking at the table the whole time and his mom noticed it.
"What's bothering you sweetie?"
"It's just-
Valentine's Day is coming up and I still don't have a date. I didn't have the courage nor idea how to ask him out."
"The boy you're always talking about? Tubbo is it?"
"Yeah" he started blushing. His mom remembered who he always talks about. I mean it's not hard because he always talks about him.
"I have an advice for you
It doesn't have to be a 'beatiful' or 'perfect' scenario to ask him out.
It can be just as simple as going to his house right now, knocking and talking with him..." said his mom while smirking at him.
"It- doesn't have to be?"
"Of course. Not everyone lives in a movie."
"Can I be excused now?"
"Yes. Goodluck son." his mother smiling even more. She's very proud. She hopes for the best.

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