"Dear Tubbo"

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I looked outside to see periwinkles blooming on the porch. I've had them for a while now.

The reason?- you might ask -is a little complicated. I'll tell you about it later, but now I'm still waiting for a letter. It is a very important one. At least it's important to me. I've been waiting for this letter for a week. I still can't get my mind to stop thinking about it.

I looked outside again. Little waterdrops started to form a race on the glass window. It never really rained in the summer, but today's special this way too. Huh, I really don't need to water my flowers today.

I headed back to my room. It's really cozy and good looking. It has a brown-dark turquise color palette with flower patterns, lots of plants and some things from nature.

I really like collecting rocks, crystals and bugs. I have sent them a bumblebee once...

I'm thinking about him again. Well, I really can't escape him huh.

Who is he? Another unanswered question.

Okay, maybe I'll tell you who is he.

Uh. His name is Tubbo. No- His alias is Tubbo.
I don't know his real name.

We never talked in person, because we write letters to eachother. Yes, that's the letter I'm waiting for.

We've talked about meeting before. I brought it up in my last letter again. I really hope he would like to meet me in the future.

He is a really nice guy. He plays the ukulele and the piano. He likes nature like me. He likes bees, butterflies and his favourite flower is periwinkle. Uh oh...

He lives near a flower field. He sent me some of the flowers before. Did I say hes nice?

I never met him, but he once sent me a photo of himself. It was folded in the letter. It really surprised me like, he's just so beautiful, he's perfect. When I say it, I really mean it.

He has short brown hair, what only reaches his ears. He's a goat related hybrid, but he only has fluffy ears and tail. Also, he's short. I mean, for a goat not really, but compared to me he would be very short.

He said he likes to wear natural colours and sometimes he wears dresses. He definitely looks good in them.

Uh. I spoke so much about him while I was walking up and down, I didn't even notice the letter and some newspaper, on the floor in front of the door.

I really didn't notice the postman coming. Anyway, IT'S FINALLY HERE! I ran to my room in excitement. I managed to crash in to the doorframe, but it didn't stop me from running.
I sat down in my armchair and tore the envelope and unfolded the neatly decorated paper.

"Dear Ranboo

My beloved

I'm really looking forward seeing you sometime.
I may be in a foreign country, but this really doesn't stop me from meeting you. The one I adore so much. The one I admire every step of. These last few years have been the happiest of my life. I can't tell you how lucky I feel to always have my best friend by my side.

I promise, when the first flowers bloom next year, I will travel to you, anything it costs.
I will come from afar so I will stay for a while if that's okay for you.

I'm still thinking, to this day, 'bout how much I know yet not know about you. I want to know you better my dear. I hope I can know you better in the future.

Love you
Your Tubbo"

I always have this weird tingling feeling in my stomach when I read his letters. Since we started to write more often, it just never went away. I never really felt like this before. It's new to me.

But i like it.

I like...


I like him.

It doesn't sound as bad as I thought it would. My mind said it's right.
I never really got to think about this weird feeling before. I never even liked someone. I only read books about feeling like this.

They always say they have this feeling like they have thousands of butteflies or what you like it to be in your stomach, and i think i feel this too. And i feel it for him. Thinking about it more now, I finally got to give a word to it now.

I like him.

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