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Hello! Yes I am finally back and ready to update this story again! I am so sorry it took this long for me to come back but I am indeed back. 

Currently, I am going to rewrite some of these chapters so look out for that! I have to add a few things and take some things out and move some things around but I hope you don't mind. 

Please just keep an eye out for it if there are people who are still reading. Especially the OG's who were here when I started the book. I feel this is the perfect moment to change some things around and add some stuff as I haven't gotten too far into the book. I hope to write brand new chapters soon and continue on with the story of Lilith and Ubbe. I will also be editing as I go along!

Stay tuned, thank you for waiting patiently!

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Feb 14, 2022 ⏰

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