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( act one a battle not yet won )

( act one ━ a battle not yet won )CHAPTER FOUR「 Kattegat 」

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         ── SOUNDS OF BIRDS WAS THE ONE THING THAT brought Lilith back to the land called earth

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── SOUNDS OF BIRDS WAS THE ONE THING THAT brought Lilith back to the land called earth. Land. It was nothing like her mind, she was now standing, holding the wood of the ship as she stared towards land. Alaric was being held by another woman who was taken from York. Lilith was thankful for this as she needed to be free from the baby for now. Lilith felt a hand being placed on her back and she flinched slightly.

"Where are we?" She spoke, knowing exactly who it was.

"Kattegat." Ubbe spoke as he breathed in, "Home."

Lilith bit her lip, she was afraid. Yes, the words Ubbe spoke weeks ago still rang in her mind, but she was still afraid. She did not know this land or these people. She hardly spoke the language, although she had asked Ubbe to teach her, he only started out with small words and sentences.

"I know it is not your home, but I hope that one day it will." Ubbe breathed out as he moved to lean on the side of the boat.

Lilith sighed, "I don't know if it ever will but thank you."

Lilith's heart raced as they finally reached the port. Alaric was back in her arms and she situated the baby back in the cloth that held him to her body. She gulped as she watched the people cheer but also stare. Her heart thumped so loudly she could hear it in her ears. Loud and deafening. Ubbe and many of the men got out of the boat first but she was afraid to step foot onto the wood off the pier.

It wasn't until Ubbe held his hand out to her, Lilith took in a deep breath and grabbed his hand before he pulled her up onto the pier. She was truly alone in the world at this very moment. She had never felt more alone than right now.

When her feet hit the wood of the pier every emotion came crashing down on her. But she would not let these people see it. The only thing that kept her from leaving her mind altogether was Ubbe's hand still wrapped around hers. When he walked she walked as well until Ubbe came to a stop in front of three women.

ELYSIAN ━ UBBE RAGNARSSON (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now