9) Eight of Spades [3] ✮

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===Zakū Raisunei===

Here are the facts: naturally, people would try to clear this game as a group. Naturally, the demon would be more attracted to the group, who would no doubt draw reckless attention through noise. The most rational choice is to split from the group, after they had already gone through the effort of finding one Seek.

And that's what I had already planned from the second I read the rules.

After that, simply narrow down the location of the key through using more Seeks that are found. The demon won't be interested in hunting down one person compared to six.

The Architectural Sect would be the best place to stockpile Seeks. So many buildings and hiding spots. It'll be virtually impossible for the demon to find anyone, lest they look in every building. But they wouldn't, because they'd rather be looking for the entire group.

And so, after just ten minutes of searching various buildings I had four Seeks. One behind a painting, one behind a drawer, one in the toilet bowl of the men's restrooms, and one in a trash can behind a building.

And after using two Seeks to test a theory, I had narrowed down the exact location of the key.

Obtaining it, however, would be easier said than done.

But I should do fine.

===Gabura Sachi===

"How could it be so far?" Judumai questioned.

"W-Well, it's obvious. The demon is moving the k-key." Rafferty said. "W-Wait, but wh-what if... The demon..."

"Is the key?" I finished. "That would explain a lot of things."

Niko paced around. "So our collar will explode if the demon looks at us." The group turned to all look at each other.

"So we need to get the demon to look at his own reflection." I said.

"So how are we gonna do that?" Niko asked.

Rafferty pointed to the lake. "That. That's how w-we'll get the demon to look at its o-own reflection. Or any reflective surface, I-I guess, but the lake might be the e-easiest since it's so w-wide."

"So that's the key to this game. We keep running, keep running, but we need to confront the demon, and push it to look at itself in the lake, all without making eye contact." I summarized. "That's not easy."

"We have strength in numbers." The man said. "Five of us, six if we count the child that ditched us, against one."

"As long as we keep our head down, it shouldn't be that bad, I don't think." Judumai said. "And naturally, our eyes will already be partially closed from the brightness."

"Then let's not waste anymore time." Niko said.

"It'll be b-best to do this i-in the Architectural Sect. The lake runs longer n-north to south than east to west, wh-which means more surface area for the demon to l-look into."

Judumai approached the railing and looked into the water. I followed after him. Both our reflections were clear as—well, water.

There were numerous buildings of the Garden Sect, each varying in height. Small restaurants, salons, and shops made a quant facade. And, within the shadows, a black figure moved between two topiaries.

"Did you guys see that?" I asked, pointing to the alleyway.

The black figure turned towards us, and darted away, back into the black depths.

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