Chapter 1: The weather

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"The fact that I have a good time with you and your family is unbelievable." I said at the dinner table. I was visiting my friends Abe and Abel. We were going to go to look at THE WATERFALL. Abe and Abel are identical twins. I've known them all my life. " hey Sidney can we go to Abe's room now." I asked. Sidney is Abe's and Abel's mom. Their dad is stationed in Africa. That is where they are from. My name is Namid. I am Native American.
As we entered their room I was overwhelmed with how clean it was. " did you clean your room for me?" I asked. "Ya man we did ya dig it?" Abe said. They talk really funny. When I was little I laughed at it. We sat on the bed and talked for a few hours until it was time to go to the waterfall.
THE WATERFALL: is a cursed fall of about 3000 feet under ground. It is said that if you swim in its wake on the full moon you could turn into mermaids.
As we got in the car I said to Abe, "Do you really believe in this kind of stuff I mean for real mermaids aren't real their made up!" " Yah man der real I seen 'n with me own two eyes once"he said rolling his eyes at my disbelief.

" Hey Abel look out your window at those storm clouds. They seem real dark and scary huh." As I looked out of the car window at the trees and the clouds. I know that something is going on it was sunny a few minutes ago and now it is dark and cloudy.
" Abe," said Abel," look at the rain it is coming down in sheets. hey mom are we almost their? It looks really bad!"
"yes Abel we are, now keep the noise down." Sydney said.

As I look outside I think I see a figure walking in the road all of a sudden lightning flashes and it looks like he's hit! I screamed causing Sydney to swerve. " A man just got hit by lightning!" Sydney swerved and turned around and saw the man she ran out and called 911. The ambulance showed up and they took him to The hospital.


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