Chapter 2: Leaving friends behind

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Back on Naboo, Darth Vader entered the Emperor's office.

Sidius: "Lord Vader. You are not supposed to be here."

Anakin looked all over the room, four bodyguards and Mas Amedda, the Grand Vizier of the Empire.

Mas Amedda: "I don't like this, my lord."

Sidius: "Of course you don't. He's come to end me."

After hearing that, the bodyguards positioned themselves in a fighting stance, but Vader raised his hand and everyone except Sidius was floating in the air, being chocked to death. The Emperor looked at that with amusement. When they all died, Anakin switched on his lightsaber.

Sidius: "Well, aren't you a little too ambitious, my young apprentice?"

The door of the office closed.

Back on the moon, Dorme explained the whole situation to Ahsoka: the fall of the Jedi Order, the rise of the Empire, of Darth Sidius and his new apprentice... Darth Vader. Ahsoka was heartbroken when she learnt the news.

Ahsoka: "You... you lie... this can't be true..."

Dorme: "Trust me, I wish I was wrong, but Padme has given birth to a boy and a girl, she is the mother and he is the father. Padme needs to protect them, but she can't do it on her own. She needs your help. She's risking her life as we speak to save her children's future from the twins' father!"

Ahsoka: "I can't believe Anakin would do this... Maul was right! I... I should have teamed up with him !"

Rex laid a hand on Ahsoka's shoulder.

Rex: "You should go. The senator needs your help."

Ahsoka: "We have to burry Jesse first, I –"

Already done. Rex had done it while Dorme was telling the story. Ahsoka was so focused on hearing out Dorme's story that she didn't even realize that Rex was burying his last companion, Jesse.

Ahsoka: "Come with me. Maybe the two of us will manage to go through Anakin's armor."

Rex: "Of course. There is no way I am letting you go face the General alone."

Ahsoka smiled. She looked at her lightsabers. Initially, she was supposed to let them here to fake her death in the eyes of the Empire. But she can't rest now. Evidently, her fight was not over.

Ahsoka: "Let's go."

As they left the scene, Rex turned one last time to face his former companions.

Rex: "Bye Jesse. Bye everyone."

On Coruscant, the 10 days-appointed Emperor had just lost his head, killed by his own apprentice. Now, Darth Vader was the ruler of the Galaxy. He was so excited to bring the news to Padme, but when he entered the apartment, it was empty. There was no Padme, no Luke, no Leia. It did not take much time to understand what was going on. Once again, Vader was furious. He brought his wrist to close to his mouth to communicate with the guards.

Vader: "I want a planetary scan to look for my wife, right now. You have two hours to find her, or else your heads fall."

On the other side of the planet, Padme was hiding in a small residence, Sabe's safe house.

Padme: "You're sure Anakin won't find us here ?"

Sabe: "Don't worry, I bought this place with another identity, there is nothing that connects it to me as Sabe."

Padme: "Anakin will eventually find us, it's only a matter of hours."

Sabe: "In the meantime, maybe you can tell more about that Ahsoka Tano ? I only remember her when she came to see you to go to Alderaan, but she was still a child."

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