Chapter 7

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(A/N) Hello beautiful people. First off I want to thank you all for ....OVER1K READS!!!!! THATS CRAZY!!!! It means so much to me because this is my first story and I didn't really expect anyone to read it so thank you soooo much for reading and I hope you enjoy the story because we are no where near finished yet! There is still a lot more that I have planned. Also I am writing this story on the fly because with the first few chapter that I have on my note book look so different from what I have here on Wattpad. That is because since I have started this story a lot of my ideas have changed. This was originally going to be a short story about 5 -8 chapter at most. But then I decided to change that. Also remember when I said that I may do a sequel or prequel? Well after I got a private message from someone asking if we can have a flashback to where Melody stops talking I decided to make a story full of outtakes from before,after and during breaking dawn and the story. Also one last thing I think I'm going to do Edward's POV somtime in this story I don't know when because like is aid I'm writing this Story on the fly so I'm just writing as it comes to me. Seriously I have like nothing planned
The only thing I barely even have planned is all of Melody's outfits, and I'm constantly changing those all the time.
Anyway enough of all my babbling as you can see this is gonna be one of those stories where you're gonna have to read the author notes BC that's where we announce most of our stuff. Here is the chapter and I'll send you all on the bottom! ☺

We got inside the main house and sat down at out usual seats at the dining room table when we have family meetings. My seat was snext to Jasper's of course. I sat down and he squeezed my hand under the table. He smiled at me and I smiled back. Carlisle who was at the head of the table with Edward and Esme on his sides spoke up.

"This family meeting was called to announce that he Volturi have decided to make their yearly check up in after school." he said in his usual calm, soothing voice "Alice has already seen that they have no plans to attack and that just Aro,Caius, Marcus, Jane, Alec ,Felix and Demetri will come." Carlisle finished and everyone nodded on confirmation.

"Alright we will all be ready by that time. Is there anything else" Bella said who's seat was across from mine.
"Oh yes one more thing as all you know our relationship with the western coven in Texas is not very good so we have decided to that one member of there coven will come to our home and one member will go to there coven" Please be me, Please be me. Please be me. I chanted in my head. I saw Edward look at me and frown. He looked hurt. What the hell! I could have sworn I had my shield up this morning! What the hell is wrong with me! I checked to make sure. Oops the wrong shield was up. I put my mental shield up but kept up my physical shield just because.
"And Jasper has agreed to be our Volunteer" Damn it. So I'm stuck here while Jasper gets to go away. Well he is from Texas so maybe it will be good for him to back to his old town. I looked at him. His eyes were bright which is something I rarely see myself. All my negative thoughts went away. If Jasper gets to be happy then I'll stay here. I was brought out of my inner musings by Carlisle's voice.

"But since Alice has also asked me she will also be going with Jasper. I checked in with the westen coven and they said it will be okay" Alice and Jasper smiled at each other lovingly. I sighed silently, wishing that one day I could have that type of love in my life but I know that's not going to happen. Carlisle spoke up again.

"With that being said We will need to have Melody act as our future seer until Alice gets back. You have absorbed or created Alice's power right?" I inwardly rolled my eyes. But nodded my head. As long as I had lived with this family it would almost be impossible not to absorb Alice's gift. They were the first gifts I ever absorbed. And even I didn't already absorb the gift don't you think I would have created it already? I will admit future seeing is pretty cool.

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