Ch 4

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He went straight up to the boy who held my waist and I was embarrassed thinking he was approaching me . What a moron I was !
He introduced me to the guy and turns out it was Zayn's cousin who lived in New York a college student. I could smell drama from distance . I know Zayn was pissed at this cousin .
Zayn quickly pulled me away from his cousin and we went to some private place . "What do you think you're doing ". He said . Well I was talking to your cousin . "Now well if you'd excuse me I need to go ".
"Where do u think you're going senorita ", I answered well I am going to talk to your cousin any probs?
"Listen what are you doing at this party ". I stumble and quickly made up an excuse . Well.........uh.......uh I just came here to admire the beauty of the beach . I often come here .
"As much as I remember it's my dad's personal beach ", he said .
Um .......Well maybe I came here to crash your party . Either ways I am done so I am gonna head home . Goodbye looser see ya at school . And yesss he looked so pissed , I couldn't help laugh .

Next day at school
It was my business class and guess what I bumped into Zayn freaking Diaz . Wow what a great thing just happened in the morning . I bet rest of the day is gonna be so bad I didn't have any idea .
"Great !now I just bumped into you ". Zayn said . I was raging mad and said "What is your problem Zayn,one day you're trying to be a sweet guy and the next day a jerk " . I can't just stand your attitude like this . Wtf is wrong with you .

"Listen me and my attitude is none of your business ,Got it !"
What the f#%king hell was wrong with him . So I just got into my business class and teacher announced about a partner project . Well I was kind of excited and confident about this project .

The teacher made the list of students with the partners and announced the names .
Claire -Raven , Aliyah -Giovanni , Casandra -Iris and the last Lilah -Zayn.
Great now I've work with him . Great just great . I just couldn't hold my disappointment and went straight to Zayn's seat. Listen I don't have any intention to work with you ok?
"As if I am dying to ", he said . How dare he ! I was furious but I had to contain my anger .

I went to  Miss Parker and asked if she would change both our partners . But she told that it would be unfair to these students . I was helpless but I had to get good grades and pass high school . Just because I hate him doesn't mean I would risk my career my future . I told Zayn Miss is not willing to change our partners so for the sake of our grades he have to stick with each other .

He agreed and we agreed to meet at his home at 5 .

At his home
I reached his home by 4:55 and rang the bell . His cousin Nate aka Natheinal was standing and he asked if I came here to see him but I told him that Zayn and I had a group project so we need to finish that. He was disappointed by my answer .

———————-  End of the chapter —————-
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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25, 2022 ⏰

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