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I woke up to the sound of Craig's alarm clock. At first I didn't recognize where I was. It seemed like it was morning tho. But soon, I realized what I was currently doing:

I was lying next to craig, in his bed, in his house. Alone. The blood rushed to my face as soon as that though hit me. What the hell happend yesterday to make THAT happen? Just to be sure I checked if we had clothes on, just to be sure. I sighed out of relief, seeing we still had the same clothes from yesterday on. What time is it, tho? I glanced at the clock, feeling suddenly more awake now.


~Time skip~

As soon as we did our business we ran outside of Craig's house, heading towards school. We missed the first hour, but it didn't matter. Mr Mackey didn't even realize we were missing. Me and Craig sat at our usual tables, giving each other glances. It is still embarrassing to think we slept this close to each other and to be honest, Craig is a nice guy. I could imagine myself wit-

Nonononono STOP IT.

I shook my head to get these thoughts out. What the hell am I thinking? I need to focus on something else.

Just as that though crossed my mind, Mr. garrison brought in a new , but somehow familar, face. It's a blond, twitching boy. He seems to be a new student. But why does he look so...familiar?
Mister Garrison instructed us this new student called...'Tweek.'

"Tweek, go please sit next to (Y/N), the girl with the (h/l) (h/c) hair." Damnit. No offense, he does seem cute and nice, but I have a bad feeling about him. As soon as he sat next to me my feeling got  stronger...Just who was he?

I caught him glancing at me from time to time, even at Craig. Then suddenly, I remembered what happend yesterday. I remember who he was now, but I can't be sure. Maybe it was a dream? But how come he appear in it and suddenly be there the next day? Something's off. My eyes were focused on Tweek, which he soon took notice. He twitched more.

"A-Argh! What is it?"

His voice...It didn't sound anywhere like that from the "demon". It sounded more pitched up. Not high, but also not deep. It was a stupid dream after all, then. But I realized of what I just did and muttered and apology to him. Tweek smiled and muttered an "it's okay".

Well atleast we're not on a bad start. But it seems Craig isn't fond of him. His curious glares are really noticeable.

Class ended and it was time for lunch. Finally, food. I didn't eat breakfast since, well...Yeah, today was not a good start after all, especially waking up at Craig's.

Jimmy, Tolkien and Clyde were already sitting at their usual table. Sometimes the other four would sit with us, but I don't see them anywhere. Well, doesn't seem like they showed up for school.

We got our trays and sat along the group of the three idiots. We talked about yesterday, how it went for me and craig, how clyde couldn't sleep all night and Jimmy just throwing in some jokes. Soon a new voice would pop out.

"H-Hey, can I sit here?"

It was Tweek, holding a tray and seeming nervous. I don't see the problem of him sitting with us, but I'm still gonna keep my guard up. Before Craig could flip him off I butted in and told him it's okay. The others (beside Craig) seemed ok with it. Craig shuffled a little closer to me. "Yo", he whispered, "There is something off about this dude, he reminds me of something I dre-" "YOU DREAMED ABOUT HIM TOO?" I whisper-yelled.

They all turned their head towards us. "I-Is everything al-al-alright with you gu-guys?" Jimmy asked, to which we only nodded our heads. That didn't stop from us whispering, however.

"So, it wasn't a dream then..." "Yeah, seriously. I saw something's off with that fucker as soon as he walked into the class room. Since we both now know that it wasn't a dream- do you think he might be that demon?"
I thought for a while, studying Tweek while he was talking to the others. The thing is- he doesn't share any traits with that demon. Sure- the hair, face and the clothes match. But what about his legs? His horns? His Wings? The demonish voice? His red eyes? He also seemed more tall.

I answered Craig with a simple "I'm not sure". Our Conversation was soon interrupted as the lights went out.

My heart skipped some beats as I felt 2- no 4 arms wrapped around me: one pair protection me and the other seemingly showing that they want to be protected. I could still see the fabric of their clothes. Seemed like Clyde was scared and Craig was trying to protect me, oh well. "Tolkien, Jimmy? Tweek?"
"We're here." Tolkien replied. I could hear Tweek mutter. Our fear and curiosity grew more as the speakers turned on and only an foreign language played out of them.

What the hell was going on? Does Tweek have to do something with it?

What The Hell (A Hellpark X Reader fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now