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I apologize for the lack of updates. I had corona (still kinda do) and I really wasn't able to do anything. It was even hard to draw something, which means ALOT for me. Anyway, hope I didn't dissapoint you guys with this chapter!

(Y/N) POV:

Gregory put us both down, satisfied that one of us cooperated. I was still fucking mad at Craig, I mean. How could he just do that to Stan?

"W-What are you going to do to h-him?" I stuttered

Just as the blonde started to walk, he stopped. "Nothing that concerns you, my dear"

And so, he continued, making his way to Stan's house. I heard Craig muttering under his breah, constanly saying "no". The regret must be kicking now. Now, it was only Craig, me, Pip and the dead body of Jimmy. No one (besides Pip) even wanted to look at the corpse, especially Craig. I was close with Jimmy too, but Craig was closer than I was. 

I felt bad. I didn't think about how Craig was feeling. Maybe I shouldn't have been so harsh to him, he's just handling the situation in his own way.

Thomas put a hand on each of mine and Craigs shoulder, comforting us. "He shouldn't have any reason to do anything to him..." he paused, then continued, "I think?"

Craig was shaking viontely. "D-Don't....fuck..."

"Hey It'll- It'll be okay..."

Suddenly, Craig pushed the younger imp's hand off of his shoulder, which also took me off guard.

"What the hell is your problem."

"Hey Craig it isn't his f-" I got interrupted by an very angry Craig grabbing an frightened Thomas by his collar.

"It wasn't me!" argued Thomas.
"it was YOUR group!"

Me and Tweek were just standing on the side. I was scared as fuck by the situation that just happened. Also, I'm still processing of what happend. We play with an Ouija board and suddenly the next day we are being haunted by demons. But the thing is: I don't even think they're both evil. As far as I know, Thomas was a good friend of Craig since they were little. He wouldn't betray a close friend of him, right?

And Tweek...Well to be fair, he was scary the first time I saw him. But getting to "know" him I just would assume he is very unsocial. He seems to be the only one of the demon gang to be completely from hell, which I think I can understand why he seems to be pissing himself 24/7.

I put a hand on Tweek's shoulder to reassure him that everything will be ok. He looked down at me, seemingly questioning my gesture.

We broke eye contact when we heard the two love birds continue their bickering.

"FUCK- SHIT- I didn't think we were gonna kill anybody"

Craig was about to punch Thomas but before he did I stopped his hand.
"Chill the fuck out, man."
That seemed to snap Craig out of his rage, looking at me with tears in his eyes. He seemed loss for words.
"Why are you guys even....I can't... I j...just..."
He stopped. Everyone was looking at him, expecting him to continue.
Finally he noticed he shed some tears and wiped them away with his arm.

"I'm...I'm not supposed to cry. I'm supposed to be the one who doesn't care about anything. Why am I crying."

Craig was lowering himself, trying to curl up from what I assume.
Thomas went to his level and tried to say something yet Craig interrupted him.
"N-No, shut up! I'm so.. stupid... Just go away! This is all my fault, I don't need to be reminded by you two freaks standing around me! It would have been so much better If we didn't play that game... Jimmy would be still alive...I... I'm sorry (Y/N)..."

These last words. Hearing them from someone like Craig was a surprise. Yet all I could think of is...

Me too.

I'm sorry too.

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