Chapter 2.

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"Sam. Sammy, get up!"

With a grunt, I slowly opened my eyes as I was shaken awake by Boris.

"Mhm... what? What is it?" I mumbled out, relishing the past moment of peace my sleep brought me.

"There you are, sleepyhead. Get up, I've got something to show y'all." Boris cheered. I let out a tired sigh as I sat up, rubbing my face under my mask.

"Mhmm… okay, sure…" I stood up, stretching a bit before Boris grabbed me by my arm and pulled me out of the bedroom and into the main room. In this room, I was greeted by the familiar faces of Gary and Norman. "Hello everyone, what's going on?"

“Well, I’m not the one that should be talking about what’s happening.” Gary stated, smirking at me as he sat at the table, while Norman was sitting on the countertop. He seemed nervous, kicking his foot awkwardly and looking at the three of us.

"Norman, you gotta actually do it, don't be so shy about it!" Boris socked him on the shoulder, making him wince. He rubbed his throat, looking down.

And suddenly, I heard an awkward, static-filled clearing of a throat.

"U-Um… Hello everyone."

The room went silent, all of us stunned at the nervous yet suave voice that elegantly departed from his static-stricken speaker. Norman looked equally as stunned as he held his neck with surprise, seemingly massaging his vocal chords. I felt a smile of ecstasy slowly creep across my starstruck face.

And we all began to scream at once, startling Norman. The room was in an abrupt yet optimistic chaos as we all celebrated. I lunged at Norman, embracing him in a hug.

"OH, NORMAN! This is so wonderful, I'm so happy for you!" I cheered, nuzzling my cheek into the neck of the dumbfounded projector. He began to frantically stutter, trying to force out any word through the surprise.

"I-I-I- Oh, I- um, t-thank... you?" He spat out, a nervous wreck. I heard the cooling fans of his head whistle a soft whirr as his fingers gently touched my back. "Uh… may I-"

"Yes, PLEASE!" I let out a shout as I squeezed him tighter. He wheezed out a breath and wrapped his arms around me, hugging me back.

"About time we've had good news around here. Nice job, Boris." Gary snickered, leaning against the wall. Boris grinned widely, pleased from the praise he received. "Norman, we've got a lot to catch up on, don't we all?" Norman chuckled nervously in response.

"Do we…? I'm not good with talking, I don't think that's changed-"

"Neither is Sammy, but you don't see him shutting up." I let go of Norman and flashed a mean look at Gary. He simply snickered in response.

"You guys are a bunch of jerks. Norman, let's go, now that I can understand you, we have a lot to talk about!" I yanked Norman off the table and hand in hand, I led him back to our shared bedroom so we could talk in peace.

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