Chapter 7.

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I can't tell anyone what I've done. The shame is too much for me.

The shame is only a fraction of the problem, however. That beast told me that I am not allowed to discuss who I sold my soul to to anyone, especially not my friends in the safehouse. If I were to open my dirty mouth, he promised abuse to not only my body, but Bendy's as well. I would be a lousy prophet if I let him hurt my savior any more than he has already.

So instead, I play along with his little game.

His essence has been fused with my own soul, and he has entered my mindscape. I can hear him any time he wants to send a message to me, no matter where I am. I wake up in the dark hours of the night to a pain in my heart, and I know that I need to report to my new, horrible master to do pointless errands that mean nothing to anyone but him. The demon craves pain and suffering? I'd go out and beat an unsuspecting soul to death. He asks for a song? I'd pick an instrument to play only for him to degrade my skills in music. Often, I'd get brought to him only for him to mutilate me. I'm the perfect toy, he tells me. My despair is two for the price of one, and it's delicious, he says. Times like this make me realize how much better my existence was when Susie was my only problem. How ungrateful I was.

There is no one left to comfort me, and no one I can trust to vent to. Boris would have my head if he found out I sold myself to The Dealmaker, Gary has still been silent, and Norman is still gone.

I miss all of my friends dearly, I miss the hell I used to live in, but most of all I miss Bendy, and my heart aches with an empty feeling with his absence from my world. So as sickening as it was, I began to pretend and deny. Pretend that I was serving the lord and not this dark force who killed him. Everything is fine as long as I ignore it.

But on one of my aimless missions, I was abruptly snapped out of my zombielike dissociation by the clanking of wood hitting the floor nearby. I jumped, grasping my axe tighter and bracing for the worst.


Puzzled, I tilted my head, lowering my guard ever so slightly as I stared in the direction that made the noise. What was that? Who could that be? Do I dare to check?

Well, if I die, I suppose I won't miss anything good, so dare I shall. Holding my breath and bracing myself for the worst, I took a step forward as quietly as possible. As brave as I attempted to be, my confidence was fake and wavering. Please keep me safe, lord...?

The source of the noise began to hum an old show tune. That voice... it reminds me of...!

My fear shot out of my body, and my heart skipped a beat. An old warmth began to flow through my veins, the melody of my heart pulsing in my ears. I took another step, and another, faster and faster until it evolved into a run. I stopped outside of the source of the humming, slowly peering in with sweaty palms.

The room was decorated with assorted merchandise and cutouts, all in varying condition. A crack in the ceiling brought a heavenly light to shine to the center of the room, which illuminated the main attraction like a makeshift spotlight. Inspecting a Bendy cutout that was sliced in two was... A small, inky figure that perfectly resembled the famous toon himself, minus a dapper new vest, pants and a sharp machete. My breath hitched, and the mini demon heard. He turned his head to look at me, and our eyes locked. The two of us stared at each other, unsure of what to do next. After only a moment, he cleared his throat.

"...Can I help you?"

It was him after all.

Elated, I burst into tears and ran to Bendy, unable to stop myself from smothering him in a loving embrace. My heart was pounding, and I finally felt that wave of relief as I held him in my arms.

"OH, BENDY! You're okay!!! I've been so worried, I-I thought I lost you, please, never do this again!" I sobbed, squeezing a wheeze out of the ink demon. I was on my knees to be on his level, which was something I would need to get used to. I suppose I couldn't complain, because I finally had him back...

"...I'm sorry, do I know you?"


"So he's lost his memory, huh?" Boris tilted his head at the newer, smaller Bendy that I placed on the safehouse's table. Gary and I sat at the table, him looking much less interested than I was, but both of us shared a feeling of distress. Bendy watched with a neutral expression as Boris paced back and forth, the canine very obviously confused. "He never told me that being ejected from his body and into a new one was even possible... Bendy, do you remember anyone here?" Bendy squinted, then leaned back, kicking his feet.

"Well, only my good pal Boris from our toon days! How've you been, hm?" Bendy winked with a smile, shooting a finger gun at Boris, who sighed.

"...I think it's safe to assume that his memories are locked in his real body. So if we want all o' Bendy back, we'll need to do something about that Dealmaker..." Bendy's eyes lit up, and he smirked.

"Tch, that man ain't so tough. I've been in that body, and even if you say my memory is fuzzy, I remember a few things about that tantrum throwing toddler!" Bendy grinned, making a heart with his hands. "You said I told you some plans, Boris? So how about them?"

"...Well... I'll need to look back through the notes, I've probably forgotten somethin'." Boris wandered to a chest and began rummaging through it. "This'll probably take a while for me to update our strategy, so y'all should get to bed and we'll get back to our routine tomorrow. I got some plannin' to do. Sammy, you should bunk with Bendy since yer room is empty." My eyes widened at the thought as Gary excused himself to his shared room. Bendy hopped off the table, giving me a bow.

"Lead the way, monsieur~!" He winked with another smile, and my heart fluttered. Is he normally this charming without the chains of The Dealmaker holding him back? I muttered out some sort of noise and stood up, walking to my room with the small demon following behind. I opened the door, holding it for Bendy, who walked in and instantly threw himself on the bed that I was not occupying. "Hoo boy, it's been ages since I've been anywhere NEAR a bed! How niiiiiiice..." He muttered, instantly curling into the bed and getting himself comfortable. I sat on my bed, thinking.

"...You don't remember me, huh?" I asked solemnly. He looked back at me.

"Yeah no, sorry about that. I'm sure you were great, though!" He purred. "And besides, if I get my old body back, I'm sure I'll remember juuuuust who you are!" I blushed, laying down and staring at the ceiling. It was silent for a few minutes.

"...Y'know, Sammy? I think if we stick together, we'll be unstoppable. Cheers to taking down the tyrant!"

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