A premenition

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Y/N: mmmmm........so good.........yeah.......that's right............come to my mouth all of you delicious foods-

Whis: my lord.

I yawn before sitting ip and seeing who's standing in front of me.

Y/N: ah good morning......*yawn* has it been a month already....?

Whis: indeed.

I yawn again befor rolling over in bed.

Y/N: give me like......I dunno...........2 more months....

Whis sighs.

Whis: well I suppose I can't really complain......at least you don't sleep as long as Beerus did.......50 years was the minimum he needed......

I then sit up and stretch before getting out of bed and trudge over to the baths.

Y/N: yeah.........then again. I didn't realize that becoming a god would mean I would have to sleep for long periods of time. So I suppose Beerus wasn't really in the wrong for sleeping so long.....

Whis: true.......but still. Even the other destroyers don't sleep for that long.......

It had been at least......what. Two million years since I became god of destruction......despite that. Whis and I enjoy talking about Beerus most of the time for how lazy he was and how different I am. I sit in the bath and I turn to whis.

Y/N: whis. I had a premenition......

Whis: oh really? What might that be?

Y/N: I had a dream that a worthy rival of mine would appear and challenge my power.......

Whis raises and eyebrow.

Whis: my lord.......forgive me for speaking out but for someone to rival your power seems well impossible. I mean. You easily defeated Beerus once you transformed.

Y/N: not easily whis!!! He put up a good fight!!! Besides. Even if they may not be a worthy rival I would enjoy a good fight from someone!!!

Whis: I suppose so.

I leave the bath and then put on my god of destruction clothes before walking over to the dinner table and smile widely as I see all the food. I immediately begin to dig in while whis just watches. As I devour the food I stop before holding up a plate.

Whis: it's fine. I ate earlier.

I smile and nod before continuing. After I'm done I burp loudly.

Y/N: scuse me......now then........whis?

Whis: yes?

Y/N: can you put me on the line with shin? I need to see what's been happening while I've been asleep as well for the last 50 years......I haven't spoke to him for awhile.

Whis nods and raises his staff. It takes a few moments before a Kai appears on screen.

 It takes a few moments before a Kai appears on screen

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