the party (angst/fluff) -santana lopez

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(this is a santana lopez (glee) x reader)

It's Saturday, you're leaving to meet with your friends in Rachel's basement.
You didn't really want to go but Quinn and Rachel forced you to.
They knew that staying home, wondering why Santana Lopez, the most beautiful girl in school, hell the whole universe, didn't like you back, wasn't a solution.
So they dragged you with them.

Not gonna lie you were kind of happy they did because you hoped to see the Latina you loved oh so dearly.
Yes, she was gonna be there too and you had mixed feelings about it.

You hoped she'd cuddle with you again like she did that one night.
It was one of the best nights in your life. Even if you didn't really sleep.
You didn't do anything other than cuddle even tho santana wanted more you didn't.
Well you sort of did but you knew she didn't have feelings for you and wouldn't sleep with you because she had feelings but because of other reasons.

But you were also scared. Scared she was gonna ignore you completely. Scared she would look at you differently.
She knew you liked her but she said she didn't feel the same and you haven't seen each other since.
Not in the halls, not even in glee club. You skipped that the whole week because you couldn't handle the pain to see santana.

But despite being scared there was a slight chance she would cuddle with you or at least talk to you.

So you went.

When you arrived at Rachel's everyone was already there. Except santana and Brittany.

You settled on the couch and wanted to grad something to drink, because you knew seeing santana again for the first time wasn't something you wanted to do completely sober.
But you realized there wasn't anything.
So  ravhel and the others went to the grocery store to get something.
Just you and Quinn stayed behind. You decided you'd rather watch iron man than go. It was cold outside and you weren't in the mood to walk half an hour there and back. So Quinn put her head on your chest  and you watched iron man on her phone.

An hour later the others came back, along with Brittany.
"santana's gonna be here any minute." she said with a side look to you. Your heart skipped a beat and butterflies exploded in your stomach.

Quinn who's head was still resting on your chest looked up at you and whispered, "I'll go and cuddle with rachel so santana might cuddle with you." You nodded, hope in your eyes, but deep down you knew she probably wouldn't.

Just as Quinn stood up and made her way over to Rachel and you took a drink, the door opened and the tan woman came in. And jesus she looked hot.
Rachel looked at you and pretended to wipe some drool of her chin to which you responded with a playful eyeroll.

That was when you realized the only free place was next to you. And by now you could swear everyone could hear your heart pounding in your chest.

You quickly emptied your drink and got another one as she walked towards you.

She sat down next to you and slightly smiled at you. It was a little awkward you couldn't deny that but since you were already a little tipsy you didn't care.

You also didn't think as it of anything when you put your legs over Santana's.
It seemed like she didn't mind, but maybe that was because you've been doing that since sophomore year.

It was 10pm already and Mercedes, Tina, Artie, Brittany and Mike had to leave already.
Rachel and Quinn were making out on the other couch and the boys were just talking about this and that.
You sat up and wanted to include yourself but since you already emptied your fourth drink by now you were quite drunk and when you sat up you felt your stomach swirling and quickly leaned back against the couch again.

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