Hoping, hiding

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''What the fuck are you doing here Deku? And more importantly, were you lying about being quirkless? After all this fucking time?''

Izuku frowned, since when did Bakugou care about him? Much less where he went after class hours.

''Y-You've been following me?'' Izuku said, completely ignoring everything else he said.

Bakugou seemed to become outraged at his question, sending him a murderous glare.

''Hah?! Like hell I would be stalking you like a creep!''

''Bu-but how did you know I was here?''

Bakugou only cocked an eyebrow, unimpressed. ''You've been muttering about this 'quirk' fuckin' all day and every day, It was starting to annoy me''

Izuku blushed slightly. ''Y-you heard a-all that?''

''Of course, I fucking did! And stop dodging the question! Why the hell did you lie about being quirkless?''Bakugou screamed, his rage-filled staring down at Izuku, it was enough to make him almost shudder.

Izuku looked down, feeling more than confused at one of the first real conversations he's had with Kacchan in years. In a meek, but firm voice he replied. ''I didn't, I was quirkless. Until now''

''Explain.' He said in a cold voice, almost on the verge of an explosion. It was actually quite surprising that he hadn't activated his quirk yet.

''W-well... Ha-have you seen any of those quirk science investigations that- that talk about how- uh- if you are-in-a-high-stress-situation-you-could-trigger-a-quirk?'' 

Kacchan's expression did something funny, it blanked a little and it was very hard for Izuku to tell if he was still mad or not.

''Does this have anything to do with the villain of a few days ago?''

Izuku paled, and at the blatant shock in his face, Bakugou's stare became that much more intense.

''W-why do you ca-care anyways? We haven't talked in years... I-I thought you hated me''

Kacchan scoffed, and his face settled on something old and bitter. ''I always had the stupid shitty dream of you being a late bloomer''

''R-really? But I- you became so distant- Not that I blame you or anything! I- well, I thought you had fo-forgotten about me or-''

''Pff... Forget you? How can I when the old hag keeps asking me about your sorry ass?''

''A-auntie still asks about me...?''

''I just said that. Dumbass'' Kacchan snapped in annoyance, but it didn't have any real heat behind it.

''So? It was that slime villain, wasn't it?'' It wasn't really a question, more like a statement that wanted to be wrong.

Izuku smiled a little, a bit endeared by the hidden concern in his childhood friend. Maybe they hadn't grown that far apart after all.

''It's fine... It doesn't really matter all that much, I'm just happy I got a quirk out of it''

''Tch, only you would say dumb shit like that, Deku. Of course it fucking matters'' He crossed his arms, to then look away with a blank expression.

''What if Inko finds out?''


''That you got fucking tortured by a villain or whatever, don't you think she'd care?''

''I didn't get tortured!'' Izuku exclaimed. He had been tortured, just not by who Kacchan was thinking, not that Izuku would tell him that however.

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