3- Yoonseok

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t/w: suicidal thoughts

3- Revenge Cycle (Yoonseok) pt.1

Yoongi sat on a stool in his favorite bar. It was empty save for him and a few drunks scatted about, leaving the place looking like a ghost town. The bar attender had declared last call a few minutes earlier but Yoongi had be wise enough to buy a full bottle of Jack Daniel's for himself. All for him and him alone.

Even the owner, a friend of his named Taehyung, had already left. By now he was probably at home with his beautiful wife and cute kids. He couldn't blame his friend for leaving him all by himself tonight. Just him and the whiskey in his glass.

Yoongi's other friends had tried to stop him from going out drinking but after that.... that incident... Yoongi could no longer stay in their presence without dwelling on it. He was such an idiot.

Thinking about it now made his eyes well up and to prevent himself from bursting into tears, as he really, deeply, wanted to do; he lifted the whiskey to his lips and gulped it down.

The dark amber liquid burned his throat and warmed his heart. It was the only comfort Yoongi still had in this world at the moment. He'd lost the one person closest to him.

He tried to take his mind off the present. To slip into the past rather then continue to wallow in sorrow......but it didn't work. He was still just at a bar. All alone. Keeping the whisky and his personal demons company.

He supposed he could have taken the Mayors and Police Commissioner's advice of making an appointment with the departments head psychologist. They cautioned him to do so, before making a big decision like turning in his badge, but fu¢k it.

He was done. It wasn't like he'd been doing a good job of protecting and serving anyone. Especially not the person he'd loved the most.

'What was the point of living anyway?'

Although he had worked very hard to get the position of Police Chief and it had taken a lot of blood, sweat, and tears. 

He just didn't feel fit to lead anyone after what he let happen right under his nose. Much less lead a whole department full of detectives, sergeants, lieutenants, commanders, and lower level officers.He wasn't worthy of it. And he had never been. These last fifteen years he'd been fooling himself and everyone around him.

Suddenly the door behind him burst open with unnecessary force. He didn't even flinch. Maybe it was his karma finally coming around to get him back for what he'd done. Or hadn't done. He wouldn't try to delay the inevitable for one second. It was what he deserved.

Determined yet graceful footsteps assaulted the floor as they drew closer to where he was nursing his feelings away. Then a figure sat down next to him and took the bottle that sat next to his glass.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17, 2022 ⏰

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