Chapter 3: Hikaru L/n

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"She's my little sister you dumb bitch

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"She's my little sister you dumb bitch." He hissed before swerving his sword in a way that made them both have to jump back.

The two still held their swords glaring at each other, giving Uzui a better look at the boy. He looked around seventeen and although he said he was Y/n's brother he didn't look nor sound like it. While she had clear, e/c, kind eyes with a fright in them he had deep dark gray eyes that were twisted with disgust and hatred. Not a kind look was spared towards him. The boy's hair was a shriveled mess, it would reach a little past neck length if down, the only thing keeping it up was a high strangled up ponytail. Half of his hair color was white while the other side was black. His skin looked untouched by the sun as he was deathly pale, the bottom half of his face unseen as he had a mask on. Just like Uzui he didn't wear the standardized uniform instead he wore the uniform with no sleeves but instead of being cut off they looked ripped off. Two arm coverings covered his wrist to just below his elbow part, those being colored black as well. The neck part went higher up his neck then the usual uniform and seemed like a turtleneck but puffier, kind of like a rope. While his muscle top shirt was tight his pants where baggy and his kyhans where just black bandages. His blade was black with a fire like dark purple colored pattern running down it.

"Ugh, definitely not flamboyant. What are you the depressed Hashira?" Uzui smirked.

"No need for you to know, you'll either be dead or kicked out soon anyways." The boy shot back.

The two were about to clash again before Shinjuro stepped in between them, "You two! Fighting between comrades is strictly forbidden! Please stop now." He boomed places his hands on his hips, "Master will not be pleased!"

"You, put your weapon away first." Uzui demanded, narrowing his eyes slightly.

"I refuse." He hissed back.

"Hikaru-San you heard what Rengoku-Kun said, you're going to make Master sad please stop fighting." Kanae pleaded with a sad smile, placing her hand on the boy's shoulder.

He shrugged it off roughly, "Why are you only lecturing me?" He pointed his sword accusingly at Uzui. "He broke into my estate and harassed my sister."

"It was unflamboyant of me I agree but it was an accident." Uzui answered

"Young Hikaru-San, Uzui-San, please put your weapons down." Shinjuro again instructed.

Hikaru hissed, "We aren't on a first name basis, its L/n to all of you. You call everyone else by their last names so I don't know why you're using my first one"

It was quiet before Kanae spoke up, "Your right L/n-San I apologize, now please put your weapon down. It was an innocent mistake, also I would like to know more about you having a sister."

"Yes! I did not even know you had one even though I helped train you L/n-San." Shinjuro said still standing in between the two.

"And you don't need to know, buzz out." He spat

"Hikaru Namu-Amidabutsu ...Imagine how your sister would react seeing you like this to your fellow slayers, Namu-Amidabutsu, she would be absolutely horrified..." Gyomei finally chimed in.

That statement seemed to catch him off guard as he flinched a little before his body finally untensed and he put away his sword.

"Wait so Himejima-San" Kanae pitched in, "You told Uzui-San about his sister so did you know about her?"

"Indeed, Namu-Amidabutsu...I have accompanied Master to their estate many times before... Namu-Amidabutsu. It was me who pointed Hikaru-San to Rengoku-San earlier on."

Uzui finally put his swords away with a tch noise, "Hey." He looked at Hikaru, "Is there any way you can get me a new crow? As unflamboyant they and you are."

"For you? No." He said monotonically before walking away towards Giyuu, joining him in his brooding silence."

An irk mark appeared on his forehead, "Why that..."

"Don't be offended Uzui-San" Kanae smiled again, "He's always been like that since the first day."

"That is correct! It was hard working with him when I started training him! The only thing that got me through it was the potential I saw in him!" Shinjuro grinned proudly, "Look at him now!"

"Yea, look at him now." Uzui said sarcastically earning a small giggle from Kanae, "Anyways I didn't see him at the last Hashira meeting, why was that?"

"I do not know! Perhaps he had a very important mission from the Master!" Shinjuro answered his arms now crossed again.

"The master of the mansion." Two voices unanimously interrupted them, "Has returned."

All of them, even Hikaru, immediately lined up before the engawa. Bowing their heads as the master walked out.

"My, what a beautiful evening it is." He said soothingly, looking up at the sky, "The weather is just perfect for our meeting today." He turned his gaze down to the bowing Hashira, "Hello my cute swordsmen."

"Good day Master! I hope just like any other day you're in great health." Shinjuro greeted him loudly.

Kagaya chuckled, "Thank you Shinjuro, now I have a surprise for you all."

The Hashiras ears perked in curiosity

"I'm sure you all have heard about Uzuis encounter with Hikaru's little sister." He continued but stopped when he heard Hikarus fist scrunching up the gravel.

"Sorry Master..." Hikaru mumbled.

"It's quite alright, in fact I'm delighted you love your little sister so very much." Kagaya smiled before continuing. "So, in light of that I thought it would be good idea to introduce you all to her..."

A/N: So yea...Happy Valentine's Day! Sorry this is a short update, but I did post two days ago so I'm a bit early. Also, I actually made this chapter like 8 pages long by accident so I cut it down A LOT so you may get another update again soon...I would do a Valentine's Day special but I just started this out so I don't think it would be possible honestly. ALSO OMG LOOK!

I GOT MY FIRST FOLLOWER THANKS @Deadpoole45 anyways happy Valentines Day!❤️

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I GOT MY FIRST FOLLOWER THANKS @Deadpoole45 anyways happy Valentines Day!❤️

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