Ch22: Siblings

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            The two siblings stared at each other for a second.

            "H-hi..." She waved back.

            "Are you hungry?"

            "N-not really thank you..."

            The two sweatdropped at how awkward they were.

            "Oniichan is this your estate?"


            "Oh, it's very nice."


            "Whose room was I in? It looked like a girl's room" She gasped, "Oniichan! Do you have a girlfriend?!" She bit on her nails nervously, 'Is this why he hasn't been talking to me?'

            He turned away again, his attention now on the training dummy again. He mumbled something lightly, not allowing his sister to hear.

            "Huh? Oniichan I couldn't hear you?"

            "I-"His ear tips turned red, "I made the room for you, it's your room."


            Kyojuro was walking peacefully to the Shadow Estate. His mother had heard about the incident concerning Iguro and the younger L/n sibling and had sent him to give the girl some Sakura Mochi as an apology. He was enjoying his little stroll, both sad and happy about missing out on his father's gut churning training.

            'I wonder how Y/n-San is fairing, last time I saw her she was with the Stone Pillar. Now it seems she's with her brother.' He nodded happily, 'Guess the unknown incident father had talked about between the L/n siblings was gone.'

            Rengoku went alert when he heard sudden screaming and crying coming from the shadow estate just up ahead. Startled he dropped the basket of Sakura mochi, drawing his metal sword as he sped to the estate. Dust was drawn up under him as he slid in front of the estates gate entrance.

            "Oniichan! Oniichan!"

            'Huh?' The young tskuago was confused for a few seconds. Both the siblings where on the ground hugging, well Y/n was hugging her brother while the older sibling just sat there shocked. He chuckled and sheathed his sword, not saying anything as he didn't want to interrupt.

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