Chapter 18

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"You'll see" he mocks my voice as I punch him.
"ouch"he says

"Sea bass?" I ask him

"Ye- wait" he says
"What did you call me ?" He asksed me
"Sea bass, new nick name like sebby" I say laughing

"Sebby that's like debby Ryan" he says laughing

"Ok we are here Avery bass" he says taking my seat belt out
"No I'm avery Stan" I say making him laugh even more
"Your my doll" he says kissing my lips with my blind fold on, "alright" he says opening my door

I open my eyes and see d-o-g store
I turn to Sebastian and see him waving his hand "tada" he says

"Thank you, thank you thank you thank you" I say getting exited all I ever wanted was a doggie, but my parents said if I only get good grades, since i never got good grades I never got any animals.

"I know it's not much" Sebastian says rubbing the back of his head, Turing forwards me to see I'm gone already, "avery?" he says looking for me inside the store to see me huddled text to puppies

"Sorry couldn't resist" I say smiling

"Awe" he says about to jump

"Don't you'll kill them!" I say protecting the pups

Sebastian laughs and kissing me "your cute when your like this" he says looking at me

"I'm always cute" I say

"you two are cute together" a worker comes

"Thank you" Sebastian says

"Looks like rubbers likes you" the man says to the dog next to me rubbing his head on me and barking

"Rubbers aye?" I say looking to Sebastian to see him smiling

"Rubbers is 2 years old, he is 100$ and he loves playing with rubber toys that's why his name is rubbers" the man says

"So avery?"Sebastian says

"Me-e?" I say looking at Sebastian

"Why do you think we are here" he says "Arrie  told be about dogs and your love about them" Sebastian says

"I want him" I say pointing to rubbers

"Alright I'll give him for 5 days, you'll be here right" the man says

"Shoot our trip ends in 3 days" I say sadly

"I'll pick him up" Sebastian says getting up

"Alright well do, enjoy your evening" the man says getting Sebastian's info

As me and Sebastian leave he looks torward me "thank you seabass" I say

"Seabass" he whispers in my ear with a mad joking tone, as he puts his hands around me

"Where are we going text?" I ask him

"Surprise" he says smiling
A/u: we are so close to 10k GOSH THANKS FOR THE FAN LOVE I REALLY WANT TO MAKE MERCH OR IS IT TO MUCH, I don't wanna sell for money tho, hope you like this chapter, oh and I kinda have the flu wish me luck at the dentist may get braces

"Surprise" he says smiling ____________A/u: we are so close to 10k GOSH THANKS FOR THE FAN LOVE I REALLY WANT TO MAKE MERCH OR IS IT TO MUCH, I don't wanna sell for money tho, hope you like this chapter, oh and I kinda have the flu wish me luck at...

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I've never seen this one before
Or the middle one.

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