Chapter 11

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I wake up and see Sebastian and Tom and Chris all on the couch laying down Tom is on his phone tho

"Ugh my head hurts so bad" I say trying to get up

"Darling good morning we drank a lot of you remember" Tom says

"Oh yeah" I say getting up and going to the kitchen

Tom laughs and then goes back on his phone
"You know dear you don't have to hid your little secret" Tom says

"Uhm I don't know what your talking about" I say

"Come on you and Sebastian I see the way he looks at you, but look he carefull" Tom says

"Oh uhm thanks" I say

"He's 38 your 18" he says

"Ok ok I know just come help me with the food" I say opening the fridge

-20 mins later Chris wakes up and me and Tom get finished with the breakfast

"Hey what are you doing?" Chris asks me

"Food now sit I'm hungry" I say

"Why did you let her cook, she's a guest" Chris says sitting down

"He helped me it's ok" I tell him

"Let's wait for seb he's about to wake up" Chris says

Sebastian wakes up saying something that's not clear
"What do you need" Tom says

"Where is she?" Sebastian says

"I'm right here" I say kissing him

"Ugh you guys are disgusting come sit let's eat" Tom says

I eat and finish the food
I go and lay down and check the time it's like 5:00

"Ugh" I say making Sebastian turn his head

"What's the matter?" He asks

"Nothing, I got to use the rest room where is it" I ask

"Go to the hallway and turn left" Sebastian says

"Thank you" I say going forward the bathroom

I get out and see they all are watching sports well Sebastian is on his phone

I come next to them and sit on the couch, Sebastian is on a one seated couch. I grab my phone and go on Instagram to see a text

The text
Sebastian: hey doll thank you for the food, wish I can fuck you right now

I look up and see Sebastian bitting his lip and winking at me, I take a deep breath and text back

Me: your welcome, and you could but your just a pussy

And send, I look at him and he just looks back

Sebastian: I'm being a pussy? How about I just get some?

"Oh shut up" I say throwing my phone down making Chris and Toms head turn

"Shit I said that out loud, fuck" I say making Chris laugh

-we watch tv until the clock hits 6 and we all get dressed for work

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