A God Worth Dying For

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Her heels clacked loudly as she marched down the hall of the Bunker. Her form was composed, her back straight and her eyes locked forward.

To any outside observer, she was calm, composed, and professional. Like she always was.

But the truth couldn't be any further.

Her mind, her soul, was in turmoil. 9S had been executed...again. Again, she'll have to get reintroduced to him. Again, she'll have to rebuild their relation. Again, whatever difference in events in his life will mold him into a different person than the 9S she was used to. She has tried to be distant and professional, tried not to get attached. But his charisma and charm made that near impossible.

And she was at her wit's end. She didn't know if she could put an end to it but she had to try. So she put in a cancellation request. She hoped she could convince the Commander to stop killing 9S. Just let him live.

And the next day, the Commander summoned her to the office.

She marched over to the door of the Commander's office. She gave it three solid knocks to let the Commander know she was here was requested.

"You may come in," Commander White announced. She stepped into her commanding officer's office, standing at attention in front of the Commander's desk.

She hoped this would work. She was known for her performance, her professionalism, and her spotless record. She hoped this would be enough to convince the Commander to accept her request.

But as she entered the office and looked upon the Commander's stern and unmoving face, she didn't know whether her hopes should rise of fall.

"Commander," she greeted. "Reporting as ordered."

The Commander was still stiff as stone. But at least the Commander was not angry. So...that was promising.

"Commander, before we begin," she said. "I was wondering about my application to cancel 9S's termination."

"Actually, that is precisely why I called you here," the Commander said.

The synthetic muscles around her black box tightened. She was both scared and excited. She didn't want to get her hopes up. Yet she feared that the moment she starts thinking negatively, some cosmic power would tip the scales and rip her dream out of her grasp.

But maybe, just maybe, 9S can finally stop dying...

"You request has been denied."

She felt her body turn cold. There was an emptiness inside her as she felt her heart shatter like glass.

"I...do not understand," she stuttered.

"I figured you wouldn't. Which is why I called you down here. Do you understand the importance of our classified documents?"

"Revelation of the contents of the classified data could jeopardize our war efforts," she said. She was privy to a lot of information. She could see more than most YorHa, especially combat types. But she could not speak what she wanted. Or much at all for that matter.

The truth about humanity...

"Precisely," the Commander said. "Do you understand the importance of our mission? The Resistance needs us to stand as a beacon of hope. Without us then they lose their will to fight."

"I understand," she said, folding her hands behind her back. But only so she could squeeze the fabric of her uniform. Her hope was not just crashing. It had crashed on the edge of cliff over a chasm before falling into that chasm, bouncing off its rocky walls on the way down. "But...perhaps 9S could be transferred. There is a possibility he will understand and choose to stay quiet."

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