The Scorpion and the Frog Part I

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There they were. The YorHa survivors. There was the red-haired B-unit standing next to the wall of sand. 4S was next to the blonde android, a holographic screen pulled up as he checked her vitals.

Clear of the storm, 2E lowered her face mask. She hasn't been here since before she killed A2. Before she realized the truth.

"2B!" 4S called. "Hey, welcome back. Give me a sec. Their rehabilitation isn't done but it's in progress. They're in withdrawal right now."

2E looked at the two B-units. The blonde clearly could hardly stand and, from the way she tried to shield her face from the sun, had a sensitivity to light. She could only sit against the palm tree and let 4S work on her.

The red-haired B-unit next to 2E was sweating far more than she should and was clinging to her stomach. And the expression on her face was one of both pain and nausea. Like she was moments away from vomiting.

"Remind me not to trust Jackass for anything," the red-head groaned, a tiny bit of static breaking through her voice. She groaned in pain as she tried to stomach the feeling bubbling in her. "Just kill me."

Wish granted...

With a single motion, 2E materialized her sword and sliced through the throat of the red-haired android. The B-unit grasped at her throat in some vain attempt to stop the bleeding. But there was no stopping it. In moments, the red-haired android fell over.

4S looked up in shock at what just happened. 2E could see the horror in his face. The pain of betrayal. The fear of what could be happening. The shock of losing one of their allies.

"2B, what are you doing?!"

2E did not answer, setting her sights on the blonde. The blonde was still in withdrawal, but she could recognize a threat.

The blonde B-unit got up to fight 2E. But the drug-user could barely stand.

"No, go!" 4S ordered. The B-unit was reluctant to obey. She was the battle unit after all, and he was just a scanner. A scout better suited at observing from a distance and supporting combat units was volunteering to stand alone against a legendary combat android. But she had been addicted to a drug who knows how long and was in no condition to run let alone fight.

"GO!" 4S yelled at her. Finally, the B-unit started hobbling across the sand.

No escape.

No mercy.

2E could see 9S prepare to hack. But this wasn't the first time hacking her was his first reaction. 2B launched herself at 9S, punching him right across the face and sending him bouncing across the sand. The blonde B-unit was escaping. She didn't have time to waste on 9S.

Stop. That was 4S. Not 9S. 9S was dead. Besides, the other YorHa was getting away.

2E flung her sword at her target.

"54B!" 4S yelled. "Watch out!"

54B turned around just in time to see Virtuous Contract flying at her. She leaned to the side and let the white blade fly by and land in the sand. But 2E wasn't done. The executioner kept her hand extended. And after a moment, the white katana flew out of the sand and right into 54B in its flight back to its wielder.

4S cried out in horror at what he saw. The force of the sword not only tore through 54B's chest but sent her flying back toward 2E. 2E caught her sword as 54B went flying by and, with a single slash, took the battle android's head off in midair.

2E needed no prompting. No doubt 4S was already at work hacking her. Sure enough, golden spheres were at his fingertips as he tried to break into her systems. 2E flung her sword at 4S. The scanner had to halt his hack to dodge the sword, giving 2E enough time to lunge in and tackle 4S into the oasis water.

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