My first day

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My new school is ginormous you can get lost so easily. It's now my lunch break but I don't know where to go everyone is friendly but I don't really know what to talk about. I found a little peaceful corner where I can eat my lunch and wait for my next period which is P.E.

P.E. was kind of ok, since I don't have a P.E. kit I didn't need to do anything so I just sat there and watched everyone doing something. After P.E. I had to find my next class wich was English but I was so confused where to go thank god my P.E. teacher noticed and told me how the school system works and where I should go.

So now I am waiting for the bell next to my English class and I can't stop thinking about the girl who I went past coming here. She was beautiful. I'm not sure if she is a teacher or a student...*THE BELL*
O.k. going to write more when I'm home.

I'm finally home and I'm trying to fall asleep but the problem is I can't stop thinking about that girl. She had the most curly hair I hev ever seen, it was somwhere between red and brown and she had the most beautiful eyes I've seen they were blue like the sky in a sunny day. I don't know why I'm thinking so much about a girl. I'm straight! Right?!
O.k. I heve to go to sleep or my mums is going to get angry because she can't sleep (I heve to share a room with my mum :/)

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