After a while

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Woke up with kind of a good mood, took a shower, made my hair in a messy bride, put my jeans on then my 'My chemical romance' T-shirt, my black blazer and my black Convers then took my bag and went to school.
It's been 4 amazing weeks that I have spent with Mitchelle and I think I am falling more and more every day but I know nothing can happen because she is my techer and even if she wasn't who would like me but at least I can be her friend. I got to school exacly on time to go to my bag and be on time for registration. I went to registration and checked what I heve today and then I just talked to Miss Tompson about her baby and about kids and then the bell rang. So I went to P.E. and just watched everyone and then I had music and we had to play 'ghost' on keyboards and I got a hold of it quickly and by the end of the period I already new it so my teacher asked me if I want him to get a song I like and would like to play and I told him "If you could find 'Take me to church~by Hozier' or 'Love me like you do~by Elly Golding' thanks by the way" "no problem" then the bell rang and I went to Miss McC clasroom. When I went in there she was cleaning the board and I couldn't help but look at her figure and she was wearing black which is my favourite colour and it makes her look even more se...I should stop thinking like this about my techer. She said " hi" and smiled at me thats when I stepped out of my thoughts and replide " hi, how are you?" "Actually better now, how are you?"I smiled and replied "I'm fine" I couldn't tell her I wasn't really fine and that my wrists are kind of hurting because I went a little to deep last night. She looked at me and said "I can see your lying but I can also see that you don't want to talk about it but promise me you will tell me everything one day. Okay? And I promise I won't tell enyone else." I was how good she new me. I just said "ok" she then turned around and said "I like your shirt. I like 'My chemical romance as well' and by the way sit down" I went to sit down on the desk that is the closest to hers and said "yeah I like to listen to them when I'm not so good mood and when I need to forget some things for a while. Oh and thanks"
"Me to. So have you thought what you want to be?" "I still haven't chosen but I'm thinking about teaching. I don't really have any talents or intrests so I don't know what to do but I have to decide this year since I finish school soon." "I hadn't really descided for a long time either but I think I chose the right one. Ok lets finish this at luch break we are going to have to go to assembly this period" She said and smiled. "Ok. Do you know whats the assembly about?" "No. Not really." *The bell*
Every one came in class and Mit...I mean Miss McC said "Don't take your things out guys we are going to an assembly.Take your stuff with you please." Then she came to me and said "You can leave your stuff here since it lunch next" Than we went to the assembly and I sat next to Michell and I was the last person in the line and the closest to the door.
After 5 minutes the head teacher started to speak "We are going to watch a video and talk about self harm because the topic is 'Keeping ourselves healthy' and that isn't only about exercise and healty eating" suddenly I didn't fell so good and I sliped my hand under the sleeve of my blazer and tuched my scars and thought to my self that I need to stay strong and not to cry."So now we are going to watch a video about self harm." The video started and I couldn't stop thinking and I just couldn't sit there so I ran out of the room quickly and quietly. I went to the sitting area right outside since I knew Michelle locked the clasrook and broke down I just sat there and cried and then I felt someone's hands wrap around me and hold me tight. I lifted my head and saw that it was Michelle. "Let's go to the clasroom and talk. ok?" "Okay"we went to the classroom and I sat dow and the michelle sat right infront of my took my hand and asked"Can you tell me what happened there?" I wasn't sure if I should tell her but something made me say it either because it was so easy to talk to her or that some one was actually willing to listen to me so I just said "it was just to hard to listen to it" and then I looked down. She lifted my chin with her finger and asked "Why was it hard to listen to it?" I didn't say anything I just lifted my sleeves up and you could see the deep cuts the other cuts and the word 'Her' she sat there with tears in her eyes and her fingers lightly going over the scars. Then she asked me a question "who is she?" "She is the other person why I have been questioning my sexuality. She is the most beautiful human being I have ever leyed my eyes on she has the most curliest hair that I have imagined brushing my hand in while I kiss her , her eyes are blue and beautiful like the see but her smile is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen  and her voice is like angels it calms me just by listening to her. I think I love her but I don't think she loves me back and that is painful but life goes on and we need to keep living it and this just helps me live with it "then I looked at her and she had tears in her eyes and than I looked down and quietly said "she's you"...

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