The third day

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It was my lunch break and I was sitting in a spot where I shouldn't sit but I wasn't comfortable sitting around people so I just went here~benches in front of the classrooms in the language hall. So I just sat there turned my music so I wouldn't hear other noises and ate...until some one took one of my earphones out in the best part of~ Take me to church by Hozier. I was already getting angrier and said "what the h..." and when I turned around I saw that beautiful girl. She blushed a little and said "You shouldn't be here without permission and sorry for stoping you in the bigining of the best part in the song "and then she smiled and it was the most beautiful thing I have seen. Then I stepped out of my own world and said "sorry I don't really like all the people and I haven't connected to any one so far and so I came here...sorry I didn't mean to say so much." Then I gave her my hand and said "My name is Eva by the way and I don't think we have met " she gladly took my hand and I felt sparks and butterflies in my stomack and I think she felt domething as well because she looked down then shook her hed and said "Hi my name is Michelle. I don't conect to anyone either here they are all so loud, the teachers are nice but we don't really have any common intrests" I think I finally found someone who I conect with and I smiled. "I'm new by the way and I dont really have any common intrests with anyone either, I mean all I do is write study and watch OUAT (Once Upon a Time)" she smiled and said "really me to...I love the actress Lana Parrilla" wow I said "OMG me to she is the best she is one of the two reasons I questioned my sexuality...sorry it's just really easy to talk to you" "yeah I know it so easy to talk to you what was the second reason why you questioned your sexuality of I may ask?" And I froze cuz I couldn't say that she is the other reason so I just said "I'm going to tell you some other time ok?"she took my hand and said "Ok...come on lets go the bell is going to ring any minute...what do you have next?" I lokked at my time taible and said "Modern languages with Miss McC" I looked in her eyes and she smiled with her eyes smiling together with her lips and she said "Really come on I'll show you where to go the bell is going to be any minute the way I like your music taste and tv series taste as well...Take me to church and OUAT are my favourites " she said and smiled and I couldn't help but smile as well and said " mine to" and then I hugged her and said "sorry it's just that it's so easy with you" "it's ok"...then the bell rang and we went in the clasroom...
We waited until everyone was inside and sat down then she pointed me to a set that no one was sitting in and was near the front and I asked her "shouldn't we wait for the teacher?" And she smiled and quickly said "I'm the teacher silly " I was shocked. But I was really happy because I could watch her amd not seem creapy or suspicious. We had Spanish and Ms McC gave me my jotters and said to stay after the lesson.
I got my thing but didn't go out of the class and waited until everyone left and then I looked up and saw Michelle smiling at me and I blushed. She opened her mouth to say something but didn't then she just shook her head insted and said "Tomorrow if you would like you could stay in my classroom at the breaks if you don't mind my company " I quickly said "No not at all"she smiled and said "ok then I guess I'll se you tomorrow. " "Bye have a nice evening." "You to"
Then I went home smiling all the way but then I got into a fight with my mum over some shit and guess where I'm now! Sitting on the floor in my bathroom with blood running down my wrists. I wrote 'Her' with the blade because she was the only good thing on my mind and I never wanted to forget it. Ok going to sleep now.

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