The second day

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Today is a disaster~I woke up late and I'm a total mess I didn't have time for a shower if I didn't want to be late for school so I just made my hair in a messy bun aplied some eyeliner, mascara and a light shade of red lipstic. Ate my breakfast, got my packed lunch and ran to the buss. Thank god I wasn't late for school.
I am kind of weird it is easier for me to conect to grownups than kids my own age which is why in my registration class I was talking more with my teacher who is expecting a baby in 3 months because I felt more comfortable talking to her then my classmates.
Then the bell rang and I went to my first period which is science on my way there I bumped into someone~ it was the beautiful girl I saw yesterday I quickly said~sorry and ran to my next class. Now its my lunch break. Nothing interesting has happened I went to my clases introduced myself and then just sat there quietly and listend to the teachers. Thank god I still have friends from my country and I have the best frend ever ~we chat daily and I know everything that happens in my old school.

Now I am at my house and I have to study for my other school (I have to do the stuff from my school in my country in case I move back...which is the plan). That is one of the reasons I started to cut because it was to much pressure I mean my dad was the head teacher and I couldn't have bad grades although my parents didn't really care and loved me and new I tried my hardest...right now I'm in my bathroom with my tights and wrists bleeding and the only thing on my mind is that girl...I am pretty sure I'm bisexual...I mean she is the only thing thats been on my mind for those two days and this isn't the first female I kind of liked...I have an idol and her name is Lana Parrilla she is an amazing and beautiful actress.

Ok I have to go or my mum is going to start worrying why I am in the bathroom so long.

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