Chapter One

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Dynamite is in the middle of a rousing episode. A mix tag match is the highlight of the show. The participants? Ana Jay and John Silver up against Adam Cole and Samantha Jackson. Dark Order VS The Elite.

"Adam! Tag in!" Sam hangs out in her corner and stretches her hand out to Adam.

Adam lurches forward and tags Sam's hand then rolls out of the ring. Sam sails over the top rope and hits Ana with a hard clothesline as soon as she's in the ring. Ana hits the mat and Sam continues her aggressive assault. She drags Ana over to her corner and hits her with a couple of hard knees.

"Finish her, I'll get Silver," Adam calls out to his partner.

Sam nods and whips Ana to the mat again before she goes for a stomp to end the match. Adam plays his part and distracts John so Ana doesn't have a lifeline.

"And goodnight, Ana." Sam grins to herself as she hits her finisher then pins Ana for the three-count.

The bell rings and Adam climbs into the ring with Sam. He raises both of their hands in victory as Ana and John scurry up the ramp.

"Yeah! Nice work, Sam!" Adam praises his tag partner.

"You too, Adam." Sam grins back at him.

Adam puts Sam's hand down and she goes in for a victory hug. One of Adam's favorite things about tagging with the Jackson's sister.

The pair head up the ramp and meet with Matt and Nick on the other side of the tunnel. Matt and Nick bombard Sam as soon as they see her.

"Nice going, Sam!" Matt ruffles her hair.

"Yeah! Now that's showing out for the family!" Nick adds with a chuckle.

Adam stays off to the side for this little family moment and watches Sam's effortless smile as she celebrates with Matt and Nick.

'Just tell her how you feel, idiot.' He thinks to himself as he stands in silence.

"Come on guys, Adam worked just as hard as I did. Right, Adam?" Sam calls to Cole and breaks him away from his thoughts.

"Hmm? Ah, I tried." Adam chuckles and waves his hand. "You're the heavy-hitter in mixed tag matches, Sam." He insists.

"Well, I am great." Sam laughs. "Come on, let's get back to the locker room. I need a shower." She turns on her heel and skips off.

Adam watches Sam walk away from him and a barely audible sigh escapes his lips. God, he's so smitten with Sam it's borderline pathetic. Not that Sam, or anyone else for that matter, knows this.

Everyone heads back to the locker room to cool off and hang out for the rest of the show. After Sam gets a quick rinse she sits out in the locker room with everyone else.

"We're still filming for BTE tomorrow morning, right Nick?" She makes casual conversation.

"Yeah, at 10." Nick nods. "I think we've got all the footage we need with you. But Brandon could always use the help filming."

"Right, I guess I'll be there then." Sam nods. "What about you, Adam? Any plans for tomorrow?" She turns to Adam.

"Me? No, why?" Adam shakes his head.

"Just curious." Sam shrugs. "We should work out tomorrow morning, before filming." She suggests. 

"Yeah, sure." Adam agrees. Always game for some time alone with Sam. 

"Great." Sam nods. 

After the show ends everyone heads their separate ways for the rest of the night, plans to meet up in the morning. Adam goes back to his apartment with his head filled with all sorts of ideas about how he blew his chance once again to tell Sam how he feels about her. 

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