Untitled Part 7

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The next day, it was christmas and i got over a thousand million dollar gifts. Throught the next week, we prepared and prepared for new years.

It was finally the 31 of december a.k.a. New years eve. I was sosososososososo exicetd. Everyones significant other was coming, meaning my dravy baby would be there too.

Around ten minutes before they were due to come, draco took us in his room and told is a plan.

"We are going to sneak out slowly, and then come back here half an hour before new years. No bodys gonna know"

The last time he said this, we had flown off a swing, but i decided to go with it.

Ten minutes later, everyone arrived. I hugged draven. And kissed him. Alot.

HaLf an hour later, we looked to see if anyone was looking, bit gootjes and voldemort were too busy watching encanto. We snuck out and went down a desrted alley. At last, we arrived at an abondened gym.

I saw a person dressed as a tree, and they were spinning a rope in a circle.

"Hey guys" the guys voice was lower." Wanna play?! Rules are easy, you just have to jump over the rope when it comes to u!1!1"

Finally, just the kind of thrill i was looking for. We all got in a circle. 

"READY....SET....GOOOOOOOOOO!1!1!" The person said.

The game started easy. The rope was swinging slowly, so we had plenty of time to jump. But then it got harder and harder the man started swinging the rope faster and faster, giving us less time before jumps. Just when i was going to ask for a break, the rope flew out of the persons hand, and flew right between me and julian.

I screamed. "That could have killed someone!" 

"But it didnt" the person said. He took the rope and continued.

The same thing happened a few more times, each time flying off faster and faster. At last something traumatising happened. The rope was spinning at around 455 km an hour, but the rope was too high to jump over, so instead it pushed me to the side. The rope took us all and spun 3 more times, going higher and higher, until at last, it dumped us to a side.

We all fell down in a pile. I started crying. "WHYYYYYYYY?!? WHY DOES THE WORLD HATE ME" 

"Dont cry renusi." Draven said.

As the room was filled with my wails, the door slammed opem, and everything went quiet.

Standing at the door was gootjes, with cult of the holy housewives behind her.

She sprinted up to the person and grabbed them. 

"Cult of the holy housewives, circle!" She shrieked, and they formed a circle.

"This is gonna be interesting" said julian. 

Gootjes started spinning the person in place of the rope, the housewives didnt miss a beat, always jumping and jumping every single turn no mater how fast. As their feet hit the ground, the whole building shook and thundered. At last, gootjes let go of the person, and the person flew off to the ceiling on the other sideof the buliding.

But the housewives werent done. They all stormed to the person, took oof their slippers and started beating them.

They moved aside, and i had truly the shcok of my lifetime. 

"BART NEIGBOR?!?!?!" I screeched.

He passed out.

The house wives took us home, then dissapeared execpt gootjes.

"Kids, its half an hour till new years! Just go and mingle and ill call you when it ps time!" She said and went away to voldemort, as if she hadnt just beaten up a grown man with a wife and children with her slipper.

We chatted and ate ourhearts out for the next 2 minutes. Oh, and i forgot to mention, i was wearing a beautiful midnight blue and gold ball gown, with makeup and hair decor to match.

"You look bootiful" draven said.

I smiled and blushed.

"Kids, go out side! We have a special firework show just for us! 3 minutes left!" Gootjes and voldemort said, at the exact same time.

We went out to the garden.

"We should kiss when new hear!" I said. To draven.

When ten seconds were left, we stated counting down.


I kissed draven passionately. 

For the first time in my life, i felt that my life couldnt get any better. I had an amazing boyfriend, an amazing family, and an amazing life. Also, my enemies were crushed.

As golden fireworks exploded, we partied into the morning

Authors  note

Hey guys, sorry i am a bit late! That is it for the holiday season, but i will post anothe special chapter! Stay tuned!😘😀✨

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