Chapter One

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(Finland, Russia, Canada, and Sweden are all in the park and it is the time of day when no one else is in the park, so yea, Enjoy!!)

(Info you need: there is a short stone wall around the park and the park is surrounded by woods on three sides: one entrance one exit, unless you go over the wall)

[America's POV]

I want Canada to hurt like I did, so I followed them to the park and hid in the bushes on the stone wall, and I waited for them to get close enough, for me to take my aim. Luckily I had a silencer.

[Canada's POV]

"What do you guys want to do?" Finland asked, fiddling with a coin

Sweden just shrugged

"No Clue, how 'bout you Rus?" I said standing beside Russia

"I don't kno-" Russia was cut off by something

I noticed blood dripping at a rapid pace down Russia's face, suddenly I knew what happened.

"RUSSIA!!" I cried

"RUS!!" Finland yelped

Sweden's eyes widened

"C-Call 911!!" I stuttered cause I was crying

Sweden dialed 911 and Finland bent down to help me

"RUSSIA!! PLEASE!!" I cried even more, everything was foggy from the tears in my eyes

I was holding Russia (How he holds Russia in the picture that inspired this story), blood started to stain my hands. His eyes looked almost dull, but they still glew a little bit.
After a few minutes the ambulance that Sweden had called came.......

~At the hospital~

(Warning: If I put not much detail into the hospital or I don't add something to the hospital that is suppose to be there pls tell me, I have never been in a hospital since I was born. So pls don't rudely correct me)

[Ukraine's POV]

"Doctor Artem we have a patient that has been shot in the head, twice we think" One of my nurses said walking into my office

"This is the first time you have come into my office to tell my something like this, why???" I asked

"Cause, he's're brother we think" She responded

"Name??" I asked worriedly

"Alexzander Smirnov" She said impatiently

"Let me take care of him" I said instantly, standing up and heading to the door

"But Doctor...." She trailed off

"No buts, I am helping him, and that's the end of it" I argued

~Time Skip~

[Canada's POV]

Finland sent Sweden a while ago to watch Russia and my two kids and put them to bed. Finland brought me some coffee since it was 11:45 PM, Russia apparently was still in surgery, I think.

"Here, Wayne . Since we are probably gonna be up all night" Finland said handing me a cup of coffee

"Thanks Leo" I said, sniffing from all my crying, my cheeks were probably stained with tears

"Who would do this??" Fin asked

"I don't......uh-o-oh-" I said. I shuddered at the potential realization.

"Nada?" Finland asked worried

"Y-you don't think Amer- I mean James did it, do you?" I asked looking at him with a 'betrayed/worried' look

"Um, I don't know. He seem really jealous when he sees you two together, almost pissed off" Finland responded, looking down afterward but then glaring at nothing

"Has Russia ever told you anything about it?? You are his best friend after all. He just told me that him and James broke up" I said, catching his attention again

Finland just at me with a '0 - 0' kind of look on his face, and stood up, looked at me normally and said "I don't mean to leave you here alone but I want to go find out if your brother is behind this"

"Okay Leo, see you later. But promise me......" I said before he left

"Yes Wayne?" He responded

"Leo, *sigh* promise me you wont hurt him, even if he did do this" I said staring down into my coffee

"I promise" He responded before he walked out the door


(615 Words)

Thank yall for reading! Have a good day/evening/night!

Until the next part~

Bye! -Ginger_201016

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