Chapter Two

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[America's POV]

"Hey Jack I'm leavin' " I said as I was leaving work for the night

"Kay James" He responded

I walked out feeling happy, I chuckled to myself.

"So do you feel happy about your self??" I heard a familiar voice say, coming from the front of an alleyway

I stopped and turned to face the person knowing who it is

"What are you talking about Leo~?" I said

"You know full well James or should I say Amer-" I cut him off by covering his mouth

"What are you doing!?" I whispered

He swatted my hand away angrily

"Don't touch me!" He growled

"Aww does the Finnish man not like to be touched" I teased

He growled

"Awww am I making you mad~?" I continued

He swiftly punched me in the face angrily. So I pounced on the smaller country, pinning him, and pulled out my gun and pushed it onto his forehead.

"Do you want to know how it feels to have a bullet in your head?" I asked quietly

He suddenly stabbed me in the back with a normal sized switch-blade. And got out from under me.

"Don't threaten me" He snapped

"Oh Leo, I'm not your brother~ Annd~ You're in AMERICA, not your own country~" I teased

He went to punch me but was to late to dodge me grabbing his wrist, and use all force to punch him in the nose. He stumbled back a little and held his nose, blood dripping from it. Suddenly he seemingly held anger and strength of his brother. He grabbed my head and slammed it into the brick wall.

"Remember you're only still alive cause I made a promise" He snapped

He then let go and walked away.....

"That motherf*cker......"I growled, holding my head

He's gonna pay.........

[Canada's POV]

Finland came back with a bloody nose

"What happened Leo!?" I asked

"Your brother...." Finland responded

"He was teasing me so I punched him once and this ended up happening" Finland said sitting down and grabbing a tissue, which he proceeded to put over his nose

"That looks like it is bleeding really bad" I said

"That's cause it is" He responded

"Any news on Russia??" He asked

"No not yet" I responded in a saddened tone

"Oh ok" He said

[America's POV]

Oh Finland, I wonder how it feels to be hunted~

~The next morning~

(Sorry if it looks different my writing style changed)

[Third Person POV]

America walked into a police station and waited for his "turn". "Sir, what can I do for you?" The guy at the desk said. "There's a countryhuman lurking around in the city, I came to report him." America stated plainly propping himself on the desk with his elbow. "You're not lying?" The man asked. "No Sir, I even know his fake name." America whispered, to not catch the attention of anyone else. "Officer take this man to the sheriff please and thank you." The man quietly called out to an officer. America smirked, his plan is working out perfectly.


Canada sat in the waiting room, head hanging as he looked at the floor twiddling with his thumbs, tears threatening to come out of his eyes as the moment his lover got shot replayed in his head over and over. A hand was placed on his shoulder causing the Canadian to jump. He looked up to see the doctor. "Canada?" He whispered. Canada's eyes widened, how did this man know his name!? "Don't worry it's me, Ukraine" He reassured, Canada sighed in relief, "Hey, Ukraine." Canada whispered back. "About Russia, he's not awake right now but you can go in and see him if you please, or you can go home and get some rest. You've been up from 1:32pm yesterday to 5:36am today after all" The Ukrainian said. Suddenly Finland squeaked beside them, pulling his hood over his head. "What's wrong Fin?" Canada asked quietly, "Your brother's a d*ck." Was all he could say before showing them his phone. Canada and Ukraine shared a scared/concerned look with each other. "He told the police about you!?" Canada whisper yelled, "Mhm" Finland nodded. It was a news report that a countryhuman by the fake name of "Leo *******" Was in the city and that there is a prize to anyone who finds him, alive. "What the hell am I supposed to do!?" Fin whisper yelled at the other two. "This is bad, really bad." Ukraine said. "You think!? I am practically being hunted by the whole state!!" Finland continued. "Hey look that's him!!" Someone in the waiting room shouted, pointing at him. Fin's eyes widened and his heart sank.


(738 Words)

I hope y'all liked it! Have a good day/evening/night!

- _Baby_Dee_

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 11, 2022 ⏰

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