chapter 2

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Third person POV

*currently 3am*

Hey man did you hear that 'Chester asks'

No what was it Chester 'Parker asks'

I don't know maybe I was dreaming 'Chester suggested'

Well I guess we can wake the women up and watch the footage 'parker explains'

Parker and Chester sits at the kitchen table waiting for Tommy's mom"

So we have some footage that I think is very interesting and you need to see it 'Parker says'

Shows footage of tommy laying in bed screaming and growing

Have you heard him screaming a lot here lately miss 'Chester asks worried'

No not really but I can't hear very well anymore she says

Parker notices that Chester is worried so he puts his hand on his thigh

'Chester blushes and smiles'

His hand is so much bigger than mine he thinks

U-um I have to use the restroom 'Chester states'

It's down the hall to your left sweetheart 'Tommy's mom tells him'

Pov- Chester's mind

Um did that really just happen or am I dreaming or something why did he do that did he want me to freak out well maybe he just meant it as a nice jester and not the way I take everything. I'm so stupid why do I think like this 'slaps hand to his forehead'

Well me and Chester are going to go out for the day so you if you need us just give us a call we will come back tonight so you don't have to be here all alone 'parker says while standing up'

*A few minutes later*

Soo what are we going to do today
'Chester asks all excited'

Well what do you want to do he asks

Umm I want to go to the arcade and then out to eat so we won't leave the poor women alone for to long

Ok Chester we can do that let's go to the car

So sorry for the short chapter I hope you guys are liking it so far and I will try to get another part up soon - author

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