Chapter 16

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I woke up after the surgery but was still pretty tired. 

"How is he doing" Tony whispered as he entered. 

"Still pretty tired" my mom whispered. 

I opened my eyes. Tony grabbed a chair and sat down next to the bed. 

"Hey kid, how you feeling" asked Tony. 

"Tired" I said. 

"Just get some rest" said Tony. 

He kissed my forehead. I napped for a few hours. Tony had to go back to the tower. When I was awake I watched a few movies and had dinner. I got a text. 

Boy: Hey 

Peter: Who is this 

Boy: What are you having for dinner 

Peter: Why 

Boy: I want to help you count carbs 

Peter: What 

Boy: You aren't the only one with type 1 diabetes Peter 

Peter: My name is Karl 

Boy: I hacked into the school system and got your phone number Peter Parker 

Peter: Who are you 

Boy: That doesn't matter. Just show me what you are having for dinner. 

I thought about. It's food not my face. But if this person ask for pictures of me then I'm calling the cops. I took a picture of the hamburger I was having. 

Boy: Is there is ketchup or any toppings 

Peter: No, just a burger and patty for today 

Boy: Okay, that is 28 grams of carbs so that should be two units 

Peter: You can tell just by looking 

Boy: I've been diabetic since I was 5. I pretty much have it all memorized after doing this for so long

I gave myself two units of insulin with my dad's help. I had to wait 15 minutes for my insulin to kick in. Then I was able to eat. I tried to think about who that could possible be that I was texting. They hacked into the school website and found my phone number. But why? What's in it for them? Was it one of the avengers or shield? I'll probably find out later but not today. Ned and Mj kept me up to date on school and visited me during the weekend. 

"How you feeling Peter" asked Ned. 

"Same as always, just a little more tired" I said. 

"Well we brought your homework and I took some extra notes" said Mj. 

"Thanks" I said. 

I did homework while hanging out with Mj and Ned. I showed them my stump which is in a cast. It's so weird not seeing my foot there. But I mostly just slept. The next day I texted my friends after a long nap. 

Ned: I went on google and found out that spiders can regrow your legs. Do you think you will grow your leg back 

Peter: That might happen. I never really tested that before. I admit it would be cool but also people would probably find out I'm spiderman. Or at least that I'm not entirely human 

Ned: Well when you put it like that I have to question what you are 

Peter: I haven't thought about that. I guess half human and half spider. I don't know 

Ned: Weird 

Peter: Anyway can you check something for me 

Ned: Sure, what is it 

Peter: I got a text saying that someone broke into the school website to find my cell phone number 

Ned: That isn't much of hacking. Any student or staff member can access that information 

Peter: Well, is there anyway to find out who it is 

Ned: I can see every electronic that accessed your info 

Peter: Great, can you do that please 

Ned: Yes, but what has this person texted you for 

Peter: So far they are helping me with my diabetes. I show them a picture of my meal and they tell me how much insulin to take 

WHO do you think it is? Also how do you feel about a villain becoming a good guy?

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