Chapter 45 - Natashas birthday pt2

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Back at the car I pulled out two long dresses. One for me and one for her. „Put that on." I said, holding one of the dresses towards Natasha. „What for?" She asked suspiciously. „Just put it on. For me, pleeeease." I pleaded, not wanting to ruin the surprise. „Fine." She rolled her eyes and grabbed the dress. We got ready and when I put on my shoes Natasha walked over to me and my jaw dropped „You look gorgeous honey, so beautiful." I breathed. „Thank you baby. You look pretty handsome too." She smiled and gave me a quick kiss. „Let's get going." I said and opened the door for her. We drove back to the compound in silence, our hands intertwined and just enjoyed each other's company. When we got there, we walked into the living area hand in hand. I had texted tony in the parking lot that we were there, so everyone got in their position to surprise Nat. As soon as we entered the room, everyone yelled 'Happy Birthday'and we were attacked by balloons and confetti. It was great and even tho Natasha had an angry expression on her face, because I promised her we wouldn't throw a party, I knew she enjoyed it. Then one person after another walked towards her and congratulated her. I went to the bar, leaving her alone with those people. I didnt even know half of them and I hate being in a crowd, so Natasha will understand. I fixed us both some drinks and after a while I saw her walking over to me. „You got anything to say?" She smirked. „I dont think so... . Did I forget something?" I smiled at her. „You promised me no party, Y/N." She said and grabbed one of the drinks. „Oh come on. You love parties! And this one is great, exactly your style." I laughed and took a sip from my drink. „You're getting better at mixing. That tastes pretty good." She placed the glass on the counter and gave me a kiss on the cheek. „Thanks for this, Y/N. I couldn't have wished for a better birthday." Nat came around the bar and hugged me from behind „I love you." „I love you." I answered and rested my head on her shoulder. „Go have fun. Its your party." I smiled and pushed her towards the crowd „I'll be here fixing the drinks." She walked towards a group of people and started talking, sending me a quick smile every now and then. I wouldn't admit it to anyone, but I was watching her. She is gorgeous, I cant even say it enough. I love her so much and she looks so freaking hot in that dress and I cant wait to rip it off her. „You need a tissue? You're drooling, Y/N" Tony chuckled and I sent him a glare. „What do you want old man?" I laughed. „A drink. Everyone is talking about the amazing bartender, so I want to give it a try. Fix me something." He sat down on one of the stools. We started a light conversation about everything and nothing. I loved hanging out with Tony. He is very similar to Natasha too. Both of them hide behind their sarcasm and act like they dont care, but they have such big hearts and so much love. „So if I switch out those wires with the ones from my suit I think it should work, right?" He sent me a pleading look. „Aren't you the super brain here, Tony?" I chuckled. „Come on, Y/N. We both know you are just as smart as I am." He smiled and I cant lie, that compliment made me feel quite good. „Fine." I took the map from him and let my eyes wander over his complicated wire system. After a couple of minutes I thought I found a solution for him „Here. I think if you use the smaller ones on this one and then the ones from your suit over here, it should work, but you'll have to rewire the ones over there, cause otherwise all of New York will lose power." I chuckled. „Omg, Y/N. You're right. How did I not see that? I'm going to try it right now." He yelled and was about to get up, when I pushed another drink over to him. „Tony no. You have all the time in the world to do that tomorrow. I can help you if you want to, but this party doesn't work without the host and that's you, so you're staying." I said with a stern voice. „Fine." He complained and took a sip from his drink. I got back to fixing some drinks for a group of people and my eyes wandered through the crowd, looking for Natasha. I found her at the other side of the room talking to Maria. I dont like her, I never did. She was the one that arrested me back at the bank and she was just so rude to me and she still is. I wouldn't mind, but I feel like she hates me and I dont understand why. I know we had a bad start, with me being a criminal and all, but I have proven myself to everyone else, I dont understand why she still hates me so much. But two can play this game, so whenever she's around I just ignore her and Natasha knows how I feel about her and that kinda makes me feel bad, because they seem to have a really good conversation and I barely see Nat laugh like that for anyone but me. Dont be childish Y/N. Natasha loves you and there is no need to be jealous, stop it. I tried to calm myself down and downed like 6 shots of wodka. I left my position behind the bar and walked over to Yelena. She was in a deep conversation with Thor, trying to argue why you should never eat mac'n'cheese without hot sauce. I love it. „No, no and I mean it. Like cheese itself is so bland and you get grossed out after a while and then..." She yelled, but got interrupted by Thor „No, I mean cheese is amazing and you dont need to add anything else to the taste, because..." „Stop, let me finish first, Thor. Have you ever had hot sauce? It tastes amazing and it just makes the cheese so much better and its spicy and all!! Yesss, Y/N. Come here, help me convince Thor that you need hot sauce in your macaroni." She grabbed my hand and pulled me towards them. „Sorry Thor. Yelena is right, hot sauce and macaroni is pretty great." I chuckled. „Ha! See, told ya!" Yelena yelled and we high fived. „How was your date? Did she like it?" She asked me and I told her all about it. „God, Y/N. You're such a good girlfriend, makes me jealous all the time." She whined. „Jealous? What do you mean? You dont have feelings for me right?" I asked nervously. „No, god, no. Gross. I just want a relationship too. Dont be disgusting, Y/N." She frowned. „Thank god. Sorry, Yelena. How about we find you a girlfriend?" I offered. „No. I want it to be like in a fairytale and not a dating app." She started laughing and I joined in. We started talking about our favorite kind of drink, when Clint walked over to us and he was not alone. Next to him was a young woman, probably in her early twenties, just like Yelena and I. She had dark brown hair and was really beautiful and when I looked over to Yelena she was thinking the same. „Hello ladies. May I introduce, this is..." He started, but got interrupted by the woman „Kate. Kate Bishop. Hiii." She smiled nervously. „Yes. This is Kate. I'm training her and she will be moving into the compound, because of some family issues." He added. „Hey, I'm Y/N and this is Yelena. Are you going to join the Avengers? Is she related to you, Clint?" I smiled at her. „Uhm, no but...but we...we are partners, Clint and I. We havent really talked about me joining the Avengers yet, but I wouldn't say no, you know, like It'd be pretty cool and I mean... I mean, I'm definitely better at shooting than he is, but..." Kate was interrupted „Okay, enough. Kate you stay here, while I go over there and dont come over there. Understood? Great. Bye ladies." Clint rolled his eyes and rushed away. „A better shoot huh?" I chuckled. „Yeah, he just doesn't want to admit it." She laughed. „Sit. Sit with us." I smiled. „Is...Is she mute?" Kate asked me after a while. „What? Yelena? Noooo. She's just a little drunk, hahaha." I laughed and nudged Yelenas side. „Hey. What's wrong? Stop staring at her." I whispered into her ear. She just shot me a glare and then looked down into her drink. Kate was really funny. It was great having another woman in the group, men are just ughh. We got into a discussion about shooting arrows and after a while it got pretty heated. „No. It has to be this way, because otherwise it wont work. It'll just go right by the target." She argued. „That's not true. I've done it a million times out in the shooting range. I'll show you." I chuckled. „Okay, lets go." She yelled and got up. She grabbed my arm and pulled me through the crowd. „Kate, wait I..." I started, but she interrupted me „Are you scared that I'm right?" She smiled at me. „Ohhhh, bet? You really want to mess with me?" I returned and we rushed to the entrance. „Where are you going?" A voice yelled after us and I stopped at the door. For a second I forgot that it was Nats party and not just one of Tonys random ones. „Oh, fuck sorry. Uhhm, no where." I stuttered and walked towards my girlfriend. „Uh yeah and who is that? That girl you were going to do nothing with?" She sent me a glare. I fucked up, oh no. „I'm Kate, hello and you must be Natasha Romanoff, omg 'the black widow'. I'm a fan!! Clint has told me so much about you. This is great." She walked over to us and held out her hand for Natasha to shake, but she just looked at her angry. „Y/N?" She turned to me. „I was just going to prove a point at the shooting range, okay. No need to worry, my love. You're the only person I have eyes for." I smiled at her. „Omg, did you think we were going to... Oh no. I'm sorry, I didnt even know you were together, but that doesn't mean I wanted to do something with Y/N. Really. I just wanted to show her who's better at shooting arrows. I promise!! I would never, I mean never!!" Kate apologized. „Fine. Can I steal you away tho? Ive missed you." Nat continued and placed her hands on my waist. „Of course honey. Its your birthday and I am all yours. Let's do that tomorrow Kate. Its dark anyways." I smiled at Kate. „Yeah, of course. I need to find Clint anyways. I love how his face turns all red when he's annoyed." She chuckled and left. „I think Yelena likes her." I said after a while. „What? Her? How do you know?" Natasha looked at me shocked. „Because she didnt say a word, when I was talking to her. Kate even asked if Yelena is mute. Yelena!" I laughed. „Oh, wow. You sure she didnt have a stroke?" She joined in the laughter. „Haha, really funny. I think they'd be great together. Kate is really funny." I chuckled. „Oh, really. She's great?" Natashas grip on my waist tightened. „Are you jealous? Nat I am head over heals in love with you. Only you, understood?" I pecked her nose. „Yes. Well, I dont want to think about my sisters relationships, that's gross." She frowned. „Alright, but she really deserves to find love and be happy. And I think the both of them could be great together." I smiled and pulled Natasha into a kiss. We stood in a corner a little offside of the crowd for a while, just kissing and hugging each other. Even though we've spend all day together, I can never get enough of her. I love her.

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