Chapter 61 - I will find you, Y/N

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*24 years ago*

„Ahhhh, Ughhh, I can't! It hurts so bad!" She yelled. „Its okay, baby. You can do this! You're strong!" He smiled at her weakly, not really knowing how to comfort a woman giving birth. „One more push mam and we got the baby." The doctor announced. So she took a deep breathe and with all her strength she pushed the baby out. Loud screaming filled the room, when the baby filled its lungs with air. The doctor quickly cleaned it up and then gave it to the woman with a smile „Its a girl! Congratulations!". She hugged her daughter close and tears glanced over her eyes. „She's beautiful." The man stated and placed a kiss on both, the woman's and the baby's head „Just like you." „What should we name her?" The woman asked and looked into his eyes with so much love. „How about your name? She looks just like you." The man chuckled and she liked the idea. „Y/N Barnes... I like the sound of that." She smiled, but he seemed worried. „You know we cant give her my last name. It'll put a target on her back." He sighed. „I like Y/N Y/L/N a lot better anyways." He smiled, when she sent him a worried look. „Will they ever stop looking for you?" She then said and he stroked a strand of her hair behind her ear. „I wont let anything happen to either of you. Understand?" He smiled at her and she returned the smile.

*3 months later*

„What is your mother feeding you, dear god..." James groaned when changing little Y/Ns diaper. She just giggled and smiled at him. „Now what's so funny about that?" He started tickling his little daughter, which earned little happy squeals from her. „What's going on in here?" Y/Ns mother poked her head in the door and watches her little family with a smile on her face. She walked over to them and James handed her the baby. „You want some breakfast?" She smiled at him and they walked to the kitchen together. „I love you, Y/N." James whispered into her ear after she put the baby in her seat. She turned around and he placed a kiss on her lips. „I love you too, James. More than anything in the world."

*4 years later*

„Daddy, daddy come find me." Little Y/N screamed through the hallway and quickly ran into her room and hid under the bed. She heard her fathers steps coming up the stairs and waited for him to come into her room. A couple of doors were opened and everytime she heard him curse to himself, she giggled. „He's never going to find me." She then whispered to herself with a smile on her face. After a while she didnt hear anything anymore and decided to come out under the bed and find him. She opened her door and he jumped out from the side and tickled her. They fell to the ground and Y/N started laughing really hard. „Please stop, please stop. I cant, hahahaha. Stop daddy. You won!" She yelled out almost toneless in between her laughter. He stopped and helped her stand up. „You know im the master of this game. I invented it." He then laughed. „I know. But one day when I'm all big, I will beat you." She smiled. He picked her up and they made their way down to the kitchen, where Y/Ns mother was waiting with cookies for them. „My favorite, chocolate chip. Thank you mommy." They all sat down at the coffee table and enjoyed their cookies. After a while Y/N stood up to go to her room and paint some pictures. Her mother and James stayed in the kitchen and talked for a while, but her mother seemed off and James noticed „What's wrong honey?". „I think Dreykov found me." She whispered. „What do you mean? Was he here?" James got worried. „No. But, when I went to the store yesterday, I thought I saw one of the men that is working for him." She explained. „Are you sure? Maybe you're just really stressed out and imagined it." He tried to calm her down. „I'm scared James. What if he comes for Y/N? He knows I was pregnant and..." She stopped herself, because she doesn't want to hurt him. „You think he'll take her, just because he's the father? Baby you know Dreykov doesn't care about anyone." He felt a sting in his heart. No matter how good his and Y/Ns relationship is, shell never be his blood and it hurts him, because he loves her more than anything. „I'm just worried." She breathed. „Nothing will happen. I will protect you." He said and pulled her into a hug.

The next day the little family made their way down to the neighborhood playground. „Can I go play with simon?" Little Y/N asked, when she noticed her friend in the sand box. „Yes, honey. Go play." Her mother smiled at the little girl. Her and James sat down on one of the benches of the park and watched their little daughter play. „Theres something I need to ask you, Y/N." James said after a little while. „What's up?" She smiled at him. „I know, this life is rough and we have to hide because of all the dangers out there, but there's no one I'd want to do that more with than you and Y/N. I love you and I dont ever want to spend a second without you and I know its not a good place for this, but I cant wait any longer. Will you marry me?" He whispered and tears threatened to spill out of her eyes. She looked deep into his and saw the truthfulness behind his words. Then she chuckled and returned „I thought you'd never asked. Of course I'll marry you, stupid." She pulled him into her and they exchanged a sweet, emotional kiss. When they pulled away, both had a huge smile on their faces. Then they turned their eyes back on the playground, where they saw Simon still sitting in the sandbox, but Y/N was nowhere to be seen. Their eyes glanced over the whole area. There was no place to hide. They rushed over to the little boy „Where's Y/N, Simon?" James asked the kid. „She went away with the man." He said. „What man?" Her mother yelled and spooked the little boy, so he got up and ran over to his mother. They both started to run in different directions and find their daughter, but they weren't lucky.

*2 weeks later*

Y/N was still nowhere to be found. The parents didnt receive a threatening letter or anything that let them believe that their daughters abduction was a coincidence, but deep down they already knew where she was. Their relationship was going through a lot too. Y/Ns mother didnt stop crying and kept yelling at James without any reason. She was more angry at herself than him. James started drinking, which didnt do a lot, because of the serum in his blood. He blamed himself. How could he let this happen. He took their attention off the child and if he had seen the man, he could have killed him. For the first time in his life, his super strength didnt help him at all. One evening the two were fighting again and Y/Ns mother started to throw plates through the kitchen. „I cant do this anymore James. I can't!" She screamed and then broke down on the floor, crying. He slung his arms around her and his heart broke, seeing her like that. „I will find her, Y/N. I will find her and I will bring her back. I promise you." He whispered and got up. He grabbed his jacket and left the house.

For the next 4 years he tried everything. He looked everywhere, He tried everything he could to find his daughter, but it was no use. She wasn't there, neither was Dreykov. But he didnt give up, he couldn't. He promised to always keep her save. Sometimes at night he would think about her mother, not having seen her for four years. He was worried, but he couldn't return without the child, so he didnt. Then one night he heard noises from outside his room. The door bursted open and several agents stormed into the room. He didnt have time to defend himself, before they knocked him out. 

When he woke up, he was tied down on a metal chair and a scientist was standing over him. „You'll be good now right? It took us quite a long time to find you again." The scientist said and all the memories from his past came back. Hydra! No this cant be, he cant be back here. How is he supposed to find his daughter if they fry his brain. He'll forget about her, no he cant. Tears came out of his eyes. His mouth was tied shut, so he couldn't even beg, which he would've done. The shocks sent pain through his whole body, over and over again, until it went dark and Y/N disappeared forever...

The world comes first (Natasha Romanoff x fem Y/N)Where stories live. Discover now